This site is the most comprehensive on the web devoted to trans history and biography. Well over 1700 persons worthy of note, both famous and obscure, are discussed in detail, and many more are mentioned in passing.

There is a detailed Index arranged by vocation, doctor, activist group etc. There is also a Place Index arranged by City etc. This is still evolving.

In addition to this most articles have one or more labels at the bottom. Click one to go to similar persons. There is a full list of labels at the bottom of the right-hand sidebar. There is also a search box at the top left. Enjoy exploring!

Cis Person Index


Cis Persons dabbling in Gender Play

Ernest Hemingway     more    more   
Myra Breckenridge (book & film)

Cis women (mis)taken as Trans

Cis men (mis)taken as Trans

Doctors etc

British Medical Journal, 9 April 1966

Endocrinologists & Hormone Scientists

Harry Benjamin: Part 1 - tuberculosis.
                            Part 2 -rejuvenation.
                            Part 3 -transsexualism to 1966.

Gynecologists & Urologists

Psychiatrists & Psychologists

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)
        Part I: history of the APA
       Part III: Comments

Emil Gutheil     more   


David William Foerster
Donald Laub
Mr Edwards
Elmer Belt
Else La Roe
Emil Petersen
Eric Crichton
Erwin Gohrbandt
Ezzat Ashamallah
Felix Shiffman
Francisco Sefazio
Georges Burou
George Traver Whittle 
Harold Gillies
Il’ia Golianitskii
Ira M Dushoff 
J Riddle Goffe
James Bellringer
James Dalrymple
Jens Foged
John Blum
John Brown Part II
Jose Jesus Barbosa
Kurt Warnekros
Lennox Broster
Ludwig L. Lenz 
Mahmoud Eteifi
Michel Seghers
Orion Stuteville
Otto de Vaal 
Patrick Clarkson
Peter Fries
Peter Walker
Poul Fogh Andersen
Ricardo San Martin
Richard Mühsam
Robert Shufeldt   more   more
Roberto Farina
Sava Perovic
Sham Ratnam
Stanley Biber
Viktor Kalnberz
William Hammond
Zhao Yade 赵烨德

Other Sexologists 

Alfred W Herzog  more 
Edward Podolsky
Ernst Burchard    his Lexikon
Eugene de Savitsch
Felix Abraham
Garrett Oppenheim
Kurt Freund
Magnus Hirschfeld:  Ralf Dose's biography  Paris, July 1933    
Newdigate Owensby
Pierre Vacher    more
Roger Ormrod,    moremore 

Lawyers & Policemen

Elliot Blackstone
John Thomas Bulmer
Enid Gerling
Fawziya Janahi
Karl Ulrichs
Richard Green more
Roger Ormrodmoremore
Robert Veit Sherwin   more  

La Préfecture de Police, Paris, and permissions de travestissement

Transvestitenscheine:  Weimar Republic     Third Reich    Switzerland  

Three Centuries of Police Raids

Spouses, Lovers and Chasers, and other family

Alberta Bray
Aleister Crowley
Alonzo Sabbe
Andy Warhol
Anna Ryan
Annie Birkett Crawford
Arabella Hunt
Arthur Clinton  
Arthur Corbett, more
Catharina Margaretha Muehlhahn
Cherie Roberts
Dave Allen
David Cory McKinley
Doreen Skinner Lowman
Dorothy Shepherd Lowman
Eddie Murphy
Elizabeth Tuckniss Morris
Frank Carrick
George Burrows
Gerda Gottlieb Wegener
Gertrude Field
Gianfranco Torelli
Glenda Smallwood
Harold Nicolson
Helen Boyd
Howard Hughes
Ian Young
Ida Mae Galliher
Ignacio Estrada
Isabella Mitchell
Isabelle Robinson
James Courtland
Joan Bennett
Jonathan Littleton
John Noonan
John-Paul Simmons
John Wojtowicz
Jorge Espinoza
Karin Winslow/Ilsa Strix more
Lou Reed
Louise Landy Grappe
Marcel Dieulafoy
Marco Mcdermett
Margaret Curren Perkins
Marshall Gardiner    
Masuda Yasumare   
Muster Black
Salvador Dalí
Sisa Abu Daooh
Sue Innes
Thelma Walter Warren
Valerie Danby Smith
Wallace Bowman 

Siblings, children and parents

Molly Haskell
Shar Renour
Shaun Woodward
Susan Faludi


Joseph Doucé
Marcel Ouizman/Oudjman
Valerie Driscoll   
Veronica Vera
Zelda Suplee




Alice Dreger ( Bio-Ethicist)
dirtwhiteboi (butch)
Elizabeth R. Moberly (Theologian)
Grant Williams (Urologist)
Jack Donovan (Androphilist)
Janice Raymond (Medical Ethicist)
J. Michael Bailey (Psychologist)
Mary Daly (Theologian)
Ruth Rhiannan Barrett (Dianic priestess)
Thomas Szasz (Psychiatrist)
Sanda Davis (Soul Worker)

Revival of an old bogey-person  (still going on about Angela Douglas' satirical letter 42 years later)

Aristocrat Conveniences

1895. Oscar Wilde  and Archibald Primrose/5th Earl of Rosbery (Foreign Secretary 1891-4, Prime Minister 1894-5; Britain's richest PM ever).   Both Primrose and Wilde were lovers of sons of John Douglas/9th Marquess of Queensbury.  Douglas threatened to expose Primrose if Wilde not prosecuted.

1963. Anthony Blunt, Surveyor of the Queen's Pictures, gay, Soviet spy discovered. In return for a full confession, the British government agreed to keep his spying career an official secret, though only for fifteen years, and granted him full immunity from prosecution. He was not stripped of his knighthood until 1979 when outed by Prime Minister Thatcher.

1964. The Daily Mirror ran a story about a Peer and a gangster (both unnamed) implying a sexual relationship. They were named by the West German magazine Stern as Robert Boothby and Ronnie Kray. Both Tom Driberg, a Labour MP and ex-chairman of his Party, and Robert Boothby, previously a Conservative MP and since 1957 in the House of Lords, were sexually interested in young men, and that interest had led to associations with the Kray twins, the most notorious of the East End gangsters. Boothby was in France when the story broke. The Conservative government was alarmed and feared a new Profumo scandal on the eve of the up-coming election- but had no idea what to do. However the Labour Party leaders – who wisely had not made capital from the Profumo affair a year earlier - were concerned that the story would spread to include Driberg. Boothby went from considering suicide to threatening to sue the Sunday Mirror. Labour put pressure on Cecil King the owner. The Mirror sacked its editor, apologized and paid Boothby £40,000 [over £800,000 today]. Other papers stopped covering the Krays and their criminal enterprises for 3 years – as also did Scotland Yard.  There was also a secret agreement forbidding those in the know from discussing it in public.  

1968.   John Alexander Cumnock Forbes-Semphill, contested the inheritance of his cousin on the grounds that Ewan was female. The court case in May 1967 was technically in the Scottish Court of Session, although held in a solicitor’s office and no papers were filed. The result was that Ewan Forbes inherited the title and the estate. No decision or judgement was ever issued, and no Press report of the details of the case was therefore possible.  

1969.  April Ashley divorced from Arthur Corbett, the heir apparent to the Rowallan Baroncy, who was tired of his marriage, and sought to have it declared void ab initio.. As Ashley had not had her birth certificate amended, she was legally male, and nullification could easily ensue.  Roger Ormrod, doctor and lawyer, presided and insisted on medical examinations and forbade any mention of the Ewan Forbes case even though some doctors testified in both cases. In many ways the event was a show-trial to establish that the aristocrat Ewan Forbes and the commoner April Ashley were not of a kind, and to change the legal definition of intersex.

1979.  Jeremy Thorpe, the ex-leader of the Liberal Party and three others were charged with conspiracy to murder Norman Scott, Thorpe’s ex-boyfriend. Actually only Scott’s dog had been shot. The judge pushed the jury to dismiss the witness accounts (including those of the gunman and the intended victim) as unreliable. The defendants were acquitted on all charges. Thorpe lost his seat in the election later that year.

Cis Serial Killers

Historians, Sociologists, Theologians, Polemicists etc

Camille Paglia (Literary theorist)
Carlson Wade (Hack writer)
Carolyn Heilbrun (Literary theorist)
Darryl Hill (Psychologist)
Edward Sagarin (sociologist)
Frederick Whitam (Sociologist)
Havelock Ellis (Sexologist)
H. Taylor Buckner (Sociologist)
Jean Genet (Novelist)
Jonatham Ames (Novelist)
Jonathan Ned Katz (Historian)
Laud Humphries (Sociologist)
Marjorie Garber (Literary theorist)
Peter Ackroyd (Novelist)
Phyllis Grosskurth (Biographer)
Richard Ekins more (Sociologist, Psychoanalyst)
Sam Winter (Psychologist)
Thomas Kando (Sociologist)
Vern Bullough (Historian)
Walter L. Williams (Anthropologist)
Wayne Dynes more (Art Historian)

Journalists, broadcasters & publishers

Abigail Van Buren  (agony aunt)
Anne Landers  (agony aunt)
Arthur Bell    more   more   more    more   more    more  
David Batty    more    more   more   more   more  
Dick Herbert
Donna Minkowitz    
L Rhan    
Liz Hodgkinson:   life    book
Walter Alvarez     more    


Muhammad Medhi Kariminia (Islamic Jurist)
Ruhollah Khomeini (Ayatollah)

Photographers & Filmmakers

Le Monocle

Diane Arbus:
Catherine Bruce
Vicki Strasberg    

Clara Miller  


Walter Rutter:
1966 photographs of Casa Valentina

Doris Wishman:
Let me die a woman

Christer Strömholm:
Jacquie Sarduy

Ed Heath
Men in Skirts

Mariette Pathy Allen:
Felicity Chandelle
Riki Anne Wilchins
Vicky West
Virginia Prince, Ariadne Kane, Maxine Miller (Fantasia Fair)

Weegee (Arthue Fellig):
New York Pickpocket 1941

 Andy Warhol / Luciano Anselmino

Ladies and Gentlemen Project. 1974:

Wilhelmina Ross     more

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