This is just some of what happened in 2013.
Part 1: Organizations & Activists, Equal marriage, Other Legislation.
Part 2: Persons.
Part 3: Spouses, lovers and Family, Trans Kids.
Part 4: Political, Celebrities, Sports.
Part 5: Schools, Universities & Colleges, Imprisonment,Nemeses, Internet.
Part 6: Doctors & Sexologists, Medicine, Genetics, Legal, Obituaries.
Part 7: Dress Reform, Cis Surgeries, Fashion, Beauty Pageants, Performance.
Part 8: Art, Television & Radio, Adverts, Theatre, Cinema.
Part 9: Jargon, News Media, Journal.
Part 10: Archives, Books.
The University of Ulster Trans-Gender Archive, which contained donations from many British trans persons, is no more.
It had been maintained by Richard Ekins since its founding in 1986, but was never inventoried. After he retired Ekins offered the collection to the London School of Economics’ LGBT Hall-Carpenter Archives, but was told it would not be accepted because of a lack of an inventory listing what it contained. They also insisted that they would need him to get rid of any items subject to copyright or containing personal information like addresses. Ekins actually starting destroying content under this imperative, but did not get to a position when the Hall-Carpenter Archives would accept the collection. Apparently other possible UK sites were not consulted.
The collection has now been acquired by The University of Victoria Transgender Archives. Opinion by Christine Burns, Catherine Baker.
$£¥ €=Excessively overpriced books.
- Muhammed Ahmed Abdullah, Yahya Ahmed & Zeeshan Basharat. Sex, Disease and Confusions among Pakistan's Transgenders: A Cross-sectional Study
. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2013. "The hijra(Transgender)community in Pakistan are at a great risk of both contracting and spreading many sexually transmitted diseases. Once held in high esteem, these caretakers of the king's harem are now socially excluded from many mainstream social activities. The present study looks into the knowledge, attitudes and practices of this community regarding various sexually transmitted infections."
- Ryka Aoki. Seasonal Velocities
.Trans-Genre Press, 2012. "Ryka Aoki has challenged, informed, and shared with queer audiences across the United States. Seasonal Velocities was honored as a 2013 Lambda Award Finalist."
- Jesse Bering. Perv: The Sexual Deviant in All of Us
. Scientific American / Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2013. The trans section is mainly Blanchardian. "Reading the book was like ‘homecoming week’, as Bering references and mentions many of my favorite (and not-so-favorite*) sexologists: Anne Lawrence, Michael Bailey, Ray Blanchard, Meredith Chivers, Milton Diamond, James Cantor, Kurt Fruend, Richard Green, Ken Zucker, *John Money, and *Charles Moser." -- Kay Brown.
- $£¥ € Howard Chiang. Transgender China
. Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. Chiang is Professor of Modern Chinese History at the University of Warwick. "This book has an impressive breadth in both historical reach and the cultural forms addressed. From historical investigations of androgyny in classical ethics and religion, eunuchism, and literary and theatrical cross-dressing to critical analyses of trans representations in contemporary popular film and the trans pride movement in Hong Kong, the collection is both intellectually exciting and politically engaged."
- $£¥ € Susanne Dengler. Ethnologische Perspektiven auf Zweigeschlechtlichkeit: Transgender, Queer, Dritte Geschlechter: Storungsszenarien des Hegemonialen . Vdm Verlag Dr. Müller E.K., 2013.
- Laura Erickson-Schroth (ed). Trans Bodies, Trans Selves: A Resource for the Transgender Community
. Oxford University Press, 2014. " Inspired by Our Bodies, Ourselves, the classic and powerful compendium written for and by women, Trans Bodies, Trans Selves is widely accessible to the transgender population, providing authoritative information in an inclusive and respectful way and representing the collective knowledge base of dozens of influential experts. Each chapter takes the reader through an important transgender issue, such as race, religion, employment, medical and surgical transition, mental health topics, relationships, sexuality, parenthood, arts and culture, and many more."
- Raoul Fortner & Helmut Graupner. Regenbogen-Hausjurist: Rechtsratgeber für Homo-/Bisexuelle und Transgender in Österreich. Manz'sche, Wien, 2013.
- Marcus Greatheart. Transforming Practice: Life Stories of Transgender Men that Change How Health Providers Work
. Ethica Press, 2013. "Despite the challenges the men describe having positive, even enjoyable, transition experiences while demonstrating resilience and self-efficacy. Coping strategies and impacts on mental health and substance use are discussed, as well as implications for mental health practice."
- Darryl B. Hill. Trans Toronto: An Oral History
. Lulu, 2012. Review. An exercise in post-modernism, with a small amount of history.
- Ogi Ogas & Sai Gaddam. A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the Internet Tells Us About Sexual Relationships . Plume, 2012. "Men are aroused by visual cues, according to the authors, and many trans women possess two cues that men find particularly stimulating: traditional femininity and, often, the penis."
- Anna Morcom. Illicit Worlds of Indian Dance: Cultures of Exclusion
. C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd, 2013. "Until the 1930s no woman could perform in public and retain respectability in India. Professional female performers were courtesans and dancing girls who lived beyond the confines of marriage, but were often powerful figures in social and cultural life. Women's roles were often also taken by boys and men, some of whom were simply female impersonators, others transgender."
- Jo Barraclough Paoletti. Pink and Blue: Telling the Boys from the Girls in America
. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2012. "When did we start dressing girls in pink and boys in blue? - She chronicles the decline of the white dress for both boys and girls, the introduction of rompers in the early 20th century, the gendering of pink and blue, the resurgence of unisex fashions, and the origins of today's highly gender-specific baby and toddler clothing."
- Alissa Quart. Republic of Outsiders: The Power of Amateurs, Dreamers and Rebels
. The New Press, 2013. Discusses trans persons among others.
- Julia Serano. Excluded: Making Feminist and Queer Movements More Inclusive
. Seal Press, 2013.
- $£¥ € Francois Soyer. Ambiguous Gender in Early Modern Spain and Portugal: Inquisitors, Doctors and the Transgression of Gender Norms (Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World)
. Brill Academic, 2012.
- Susan Stryker & Aren Z. Aizura. The Transgender Studies Reader 2
Routledge, 2013.
- Amanda Lock Swarr. Sex in Transition: Remaking Gender & Race in South Africa
. State University of New York Press, 2012. "Argues that South Africa's apartheid system of racial segregation relied on an unexamined but interrelated system of sexed oppression that was at once both rigid and flexible. ... It examines issues including why transsexuals' sex transitions were encouraged under apartheid and illegal during the political transition to democracy and how butch lesbians and drag queens in urban townships reshape race and gender."
- Naoko Tachibana. Yuri-Danashi. Myway Mook, 2013. Photographs of 9 Japanese crossdressers. Article.
- Sakhi Bhava. Transgender Spirituality: Man into Goddess
. CreateSpace, 2012. "This book presents a historical survey of male transgenderism in spiritual life - including biographies of well-known figures who used their crossed-sex identification as vehicles for worship and self-discovery. It also discusses ways for the transgender male to turn his yearning for sexual transformation into a powerful tool for spiritual transformation - to turn what may be seen by some as a curse or abnormality into a blessing." Although such expected trans persons as Rachel Pollack and Cathryn Platine are not mentioned.
- Jkiesha Elder. Jesus Remnant Endtime Prophecy News Letter By His Watch Transgender Female J'kiesha Elder
. CreateSpace, 2013.
- Ashley Ford. Transitional Belief: Christianity as Viewed through the Lens of a Transgender Believer
. CreateSpace, 2013.
- Bobbie Lang. Transgendered Christians in Chains:
The Life Story of a Transsexual Struggling with Gender Confusuion and His Search for God's Plan for His Life. CreateSpace, 2013.
- Katie Leone. The Transsexual and the Cross: Disproving the myth that transsexuality is a sin . CreateSpace, 2013.
- P. Sufenas Virius Lupus. All-Soul, All-Body, All-Love, All-Power: A TransMythology . CreateSapce, 2012.
- Gina Pond et al. Gender And Transgender In Modern Paganism
. Lulu, 2012.
- Rhiannon M Tibbetts. A Sad Love Song to God: Sung in a Peaceful, (Heavenly) Transgender Key
CreateSpace, 2012.
- Rhiannon M Tibbetts. Listening to God's Healing Love Song: As Heard by a Downhearted Transgender Woman in an Uplifting Major, (Heavenly) Key
. CreateSpace, 2013.
- Shahnaz Ali, Christine Burns & Loren Grant. Making Equality Work
. Plain Sense Ltd, 2013.
- $£¥ € Sally Hines. Gender Diversity, Recognition and Citizenship: Towards a Politics of Difference (Citizenship, Gender and Diversity)
. Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. "The meanings and significance of, and contestations around, recognition in relation to the aptly named UK 'Gender Recognition Act'".
- $£¥ € Jens M. Scherpe. The Legal Status of Transsexual and Transgender Persons
. Intersentia Ltd, 2014.
- $£¥ € Ally Windsor Howell. Transgender Persons and the Law
. American Bar Association; Pap/Dvdr edition, 2014.
- Isaac West. Transforming Citizenships: Transgender Articulations of the Law (Sexual Cultures)
. New York University Press, 2013.
- Joanne Borden. Transgender Complete, A Virtual Handbook
. Kindle, 2013.
- Arlene Istar Lev. Transgender Emergence: Therapeutic Guidelines for Working With Gender-Variant People and Their Families
. Routledge, 2nd edition 2014.
- Des McCabe & Fiona McLeod. Transgender People - Practical Advice, FAQs and Case Studies (Best Practice Guides in Equality and Diversity - The Diversiton Series)
. New Activity Publication, 2013.
- (Auto)Biography
- Ryka Aoki. Seasonal Velocities
. Trans-Genre Press, 2012. Aoki is a writer, performer, musician, and educator who appears in the documentaries "Diagnosing Difference" and "Riot Acts." Her work is featured in Gender Outlaws: The Next Generation and Tranfeminist Perspectives.
Beck & Anne Speckhard. Warrior Princess A U.S. Navy Seal's Journey to Coming Out Transgender
. Advances Press 2013. Article.
- Dana Bevan. The Transsexual Scientist:: The Causation and Experience of Transgenderism and Transsexualism . Bevan Industries, 2013.
- Kate Bornstein. My New Gender Workbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Achieving World Peace Through Gender Anarchy and Sex Positivity
. Routledge, 2013.
- Jennifer Finney Boylan. Stuck in the Middle with You: A Memoir of Parenting in Three Genders
. Crown, 2013.
- ++Christine Burns. Pressing Matters: Volume 1. Amazon Digital, 2013. The first account of Press for Change.
Pagniacci Capoli. Life Goes on I Know Mine Will: A True Transgender Story!
! Trafford, 2013.
- Megan Chavalier. X-Rated: The True Story Of Transsexual Adult Film Superstar Meghan Chavalier. Amazon Digital Services, 2013. No longer available on Amazon.
- Ronald Cohn & Jesse Russell. Havelock Ellis. VSD, 2013.
- Lovemme Corazón. Trauma Queen
. Biyuti publishing, 2013.
- Molly Cutpurse. The Tragic and Transgendered World of Margaret Allen. Lilith Books, 2012. Bill Allen was executed for murder in 1949. Why Cutpurse, trans herself, would use his female name in the book title is unclear.
- Jill Davidson. Undercover Girl: Growing up Transgender. Smashwords, 2012. A school psychologist.
- Barbara Deloto & Thomas Newgen. An Addicted Cross-Dresser, Married and a Happy Ending - A True Story. Amazon Digital Services, 2013.
- Ceyenne Doroshow edited by Audacia Ray. Cooking in Heels: A memoir cookbook. Red Umbrella, 2012.
- Geoffrey Gray. Skyjack: The Hunt for D.B. Cooper. Broadway, 2012. Another book on the famed skyjacker, and the idea that he may have been Barbara Dayton.
- Molly Haskell. My Brother My Sister: Story of a Transformation. Viking, 2012. Excerpt. Author interview.
- Linda Jucovy. Searching for Calamity: The Life and Times of Calamity Jane. Stampede Books, 2012
- Matt Kailey. Teeny Weenies and Other Short Subjects. Outskirts Press, 2012. More from the author of Just Add Hormones.
- David L. Kaufman. Untying the Knot: A Husband and Wife's Story of Coming Out Together. Addicus Books, 2013. Mainly a story of a husband and wife both coming out as gay, and at the end David goes further and becomes Danielle. See also Obituaries: Danielle died this year.
- Michelle Lynne Kosilek. Grace's Daughter. Smashwords, 2012. The Massachusetts inmate who is suing to be allowed a gender change tells her own story.
- Norma Kristie. My Life, My Pageant, My Crown. 2012.
- Alan Kurtz. Manning: The Soldier Who Leaked on His/Her Country. CreateSpace, 2013.
- Rachel Love. Things My Mother Should Have Told Me Before I Had My Manhood Removed... Skye Publishing, 2013.
- Evie David Marks. My Life In Stolen Pantyhose: One man's journey into the closet. CreateSpace, 2013.
- Rachael McGonigal. Country Boy to City Girl. Kindle, 2012.
- Neil Mckenna. Fanny and Stella: The Young Men Who Shocked Victorian England. Faber, 2013.The best telling yet of Fanny & Stella.
- Chelle Padraigin. Finally Chelle: The Musings of an Average Transsexual Woman. Kindle, 2012.
- Jack A.Shelia. My Transvestite Addictions: The Story of One Individual's Odyssey Through Crossdressing, Alcohol, Escorts, Strippers, Sex, and Money. Booklocker, 2013.
- Alana Nicole Sholar. Hung in the Middle: A Journey of Gender Discovery. EWH Press, 2012.
- Nikki Sinclaire. Never Give Up!: Dr Klinefelter, Secrets and Lies, and the Gravy Train . Junius Press, 2013. Nikki was a UKIP MEP without being read.
- Mark Tedeschi. Eugenia: A True Story of Adversity, Tragedy, Crime and Courage . Cammeray, N.S.W.: Simon and Schuster, 2012. About Harry Crawford – why use his girl name in the title? Article.
- Rizi Xavier Timane. An Unspoken Compromise. Createspace, 2013. A Nigerian-born transgender minister and certified grief recovery specialist residing in Los Angeles,
- Living Smile Vidya. I Am Vidya: A Transgender's Journey. Rupe, 2013. A linguist in Chennai.
- David Weekley. In from the Wilderness: She-R-Man with Study Guide. Eugene, Or: Wipf & Stock, 2011.
- Caitlin West. Cynthia's Chance. Amazon Digital Services, 2013.
- Helen Wright & David Algeo. From Alan to Helen: A journey through Time and Gender. CreateSpace, 2013.
- Roz Kaveney. Dialectic of the Flesh (Body Language)
A Midsummer Night’s Press, 2012.
Rose Lamberg et al. Here, We Cross: a collection of queer and genderfluid poetry from Stone Telling 1-7
. Stone Bird Press, 2012.
- Andrea Waddell. Sounds of the Soul: Adventures in Time
Scribbulations, 2013. Andrea was murdered in Brighton in 2009.
- Tanya Allen. When I Count to Three. Amazon Digital Services, 2013.
- Steve Berry. The King's Deception. Hodder, 2012. A modern thriller around the idea that the Bisley Boy was Elizabeth Tudor. Article. GVWW.
- Imogen Binnie. Nevada. Topside Press, 2013. "a young trans woman living in New York City and trying to stay true to her punk values while working retail."
- PR Ellis. Painted Ladies: A Jasmine Frame Story. Kibworth Beauchamp : Matador, 2013. Article. Transvestites are being murdered. "Jasmine is asked to act as a decoy to draw the "tranny killer" to a meeting in a pub. Jasmine is torn as she has to go against her instinct as a pre-op transsexual to remain hidden. What response will she get dressed as a flamboyant drag queen? Will it be enough to draw the killer into the trap or is Jasmine just putting her own sense of identity to the test?"
- Rachel Gold. Being Emily. Bella Books, 2012. "They say that whoever you are it’s okay, you were born that way. Those words don’t comfort Emily, because she was born Christopher and her insides know that her outsides are all wrong."
- Renee James. Coming Out Can Be Murder. Chi-Towne Fiction, 2012. "The gutsy hairdresser is determined to live her “new” life authentically, even as she is drawn into the investigation of her brutally murdered friend."
- Roz Kaveney. Reflections: Rhapsody of Blood, Volume 2. Plus One Press, 2013. Reviewers said that RITUALS was one of the most exciting fantasy debuts of 2012. REFLECTIONS is its worthy successor. RITUALS also received Honor List recognition for the 2012 James Tiptree Jr. Award, and was shortlisted for the 2013 Crawford Award.
- Armistead Maupin. The Days of Anna Madrigal. Harper, 2014. "follows one of modern literature’s most unforgettable and enduring characters—Anna Madrigal, the legendary transgender landlady of 28 Barbary Lane—as she embarks on a road trip that will take her deep into her past."
- Alex Myers. Revolutionary. Simon & Shuster, 2013. Based on the life of 18th century trans man Deborah Sampson. Article.
- Michael Quadland. Offspring. Red Hen Press, 2012. " To add to Hank’s problems, his transgendered boss at the Strand Bookstore is in love with him."
- Grigory Ryzhahov. Becoming Agie: The Adventure of a Russian transgender scientist entangled in fiction, romance and mystery. CreateSpace, 2012.
- Rae Spoon. First Spring Grass Fire. Arsenal Pulp Press, 2012.The first novel by the indie singer-songwriter. "a candid, powerful story about a young person growing up queer in a strict Pentecostal family in rural Canada."
- Peter Joseph Swanson. Bad Movies. CreateSpace, 2013. "In the mid-70s, Jill, a sex-change in denial, buses west with the hope of becoming a star".
- Abigail Tarttelin. Golden Boy. Atria Books, 2013. Article. " Max, an intersex individual living his life as a boy. He is turning 16 when his father, the local crown prosecutor, decides to run for parliament."
- Maxwell Zachs. The People's Republic of Nowhere. Smashwords, 2013. Article. Max previously was on My Transsexual Summer.