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08 July 2008

John Pilley (1952 - ) kidnapper.

John Pilley kidnapped a woman taxi-driver, and in 1981 was sentenced to life in jail.

In the 1990s, while at HMP Gartree in Leicestershire, he took the name Jane Anne and reached an agreement with the prison authorities that he could dress female in his cell between lock-up and unlock in the morning, but not otherwise. He was also permitted hormone therapy.

After eight years of semi-transition he sued the Prison Service for leaving him in the limbo of being part-man/part-woman. In 1999 he was given an orchidectomy. In 2001 she was given vaginoplasty, paid for by the National Health Service not the Prison Service, and Jane Anne was transferred to HMP Holloway, a women’s prison. Thus Jane Anne was the first person to transition in a British prison.

In 2006 Jane decided that she wanted to be a man again. She grew a beard while still in Holloway, and has applied for genital surgery to become a man.

Compare to the case of prisoner Madison Hall in Australia, again the first person through the system spoils it for those who follow.

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