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13 May 2008

Michaela Lindner (1958 - ) politician, theatre agent.

Norbert Lindner studied process technology at the Technical University in Dresden, German Democratic Republic. He married and had 2 children.

To suppress his feelings of being a woman, he worked three jobs at once in addition to being politically active.

In 1996 he was elected Burgermeister in his native village of Quellendorf in Saxony-Anhalt, for the Party of Democratic Socialism. After he announced his intention to transition, the villagers voted 2-1 to dismiss him.

In 1999 Michaela had surgery, and also moved to Berlin where she founded a theatre agency. She married a man in 2005. She is an activist in the Linke Partei.

While "Quellendorf" can be translated as "native village", it is a real village in Saxony-Anhalt.

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