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27 May 2008

Jimmy Treetop (193? - ) quack.

A quack doctor in New York City in the late 1970s-early 1990s who worked the clubs where drag queens hung out and sold a syringe of female hormones and B-12 for $15, or 6 for $60.

He was also a photographer and a drug retailer and a pedophile with young children frequently visiting his small apartment in New York’s Hells Kitchen. He decorated his apartment with photographs of the best looking of his feminized customers. Those who could not pay, exchanged sexual services for the hormones.

Patients included Anji Xtravaganza, Rosalyne Blumenstein.
  • Michael Cunningham. “The Slap of Love”. Open City #6. 1993.
  • Rosalyne Blumenstein. Branded T. 1stBooks 350 pp 2003: 70-4.

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