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22 January 2011

Patti Dawn Swansson (1950–) sports writer.

Pat Doyle knew from his abusive father that he was not supposed to wear dresses, so he learned to to hide them. "It was suffocating. Imagine yourself six feet under, in a casket, and knowing that you're alive, but nobody else knows you're alive. They think you're dead."

Pat and Patti, both
He grew up to have three failed marriages, and became a respected sports writer for the Toronto Sun, Toronto Star, Calgary Sun, Winnipeg Sun and Winnipeg Tribune. He covered major sports events, including Super Bowls, Major League Baseball, the Stanley Cup playoffs, world championship boxing, the PGA Tour, professional tennis, and once hosted his own radio talk show in Winnipeg.

At the beginning of the new century, Pat moved to Victoria, BC, and she started transition in 2008, with surgery in 2009. "I'm finally living, The transition was absolute joy. A beautiful, beautiful, beautiful thing."

She is working at a couple of part-time jobs, and still does some sports writing. She has also written a book about her life.

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