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27 February 2010

Jane Fae (1957 - ) journalist.

Revised February 2019

Jane Fae was previously John Ozimek, who was raised in Birmingham, the child of a Polish-born doctor. Ozimek studied at Oxford, and was was Britain’s youngest parliamentary candidate at age 21 in 1979 standing as the unsuccessful Liberal candidate in Newham South in London. Ozimek worked in student journalism and for Liberal News, and was a comedy writer for Noel Edmunds.

Ozimek married at 33, and they had a daughter. The marriage lasted two-and-a-half years.

Ozimek became a free-lance journalist, and has specialized in law and computer technology, privacy and censorship, and was a regular contributor to The Register and The Guardian.

A second relationship resulted in a son. At Christmas 2009 John told of his gender troubles. In January 2010 Jane changed her name legally, and was diagnosed as gender dysphoric by an NHS psychiatrist and and a specialist.

Jane has since become the best known trans journalist in the UK.

In 2019 she published Transition Denied, about prejudice against trans people in general, and focusing on the tragic death of Synestra de Courcy.
  • Clare Fisher. “Freelancer of the fortnight: John Ozimek, Lincolnshire”. 01/04/09. Online.
  • Helen Weathers. “The devoted fiancée who's sticking by her man, the father of her son, despite the fact he wants to become a woman”. The Daily Mail. 20th Feb 2010. Online.


  • John Ozimek. ALTU Discrimination Handbook. Association of Liberal Trades Unionists, 1983.
  • John Ozimek. Targeting for Succes: a Guide to New Techniques for Measurement and Analysis in Database and Direct Response Marketing.  McGraw-Hill, 1993.
  • Jane Fae. Taming the Beast: An Analysis of Legislative and Regulatory Responses to Concerns Over Online Pornography and Sexualisation. 2015.
  • Jennie Kermode & Jane Fae. Transgender Employees in the Workplace: A Guide for Employers. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2017.
  • Jane Fae. Transition Denied: Confronting the Crisis in Trans Healthcare.  Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2018.

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