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12 December 2008

Vanessa Van Durme (1948 - ) performer, writer.

Born and raised in Ghent, Belgium, Van Durme studied Dramatic Arts at the Ghent Conservatory, and worked as an actor.

Vanessa transitioned in the 1970s with surgery from Dr Georges Burou in Casablanca in 1975.

In the 1990s, she wrote plays and television scripts, especially for VRT, the Flemish public channel for which she directed Liefde Geluk (Love and Chance). She also did comedy on the radio. She returned to acting in the role of Tosca in Allemaal Indiaan (all Indians) at the Avignon Festival in 1999.

In 2005 she toured across Europe in a play based on the autobiography of Charlotte von Mahlsdorf.

She wrote her own autobiography Kijk mama, in ik (Look Mom, I dance), 2006, which has also been turned into a monologue which she has performed.
  • Vanessa Van Durme. Kijk mama, ik dans : 's lands bekendste transseksueel vertelt. Leuven: Van Halewyck. 2006.

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