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13 December 2008

Zhong Jie Xi /Jessie Chung (197? - ) doctor.

Malaysian Zhong Xuan Tai, who used the English name Jeffrey Chung, studied in Canada, USA, China, Singapore as well as Malaysia. He qualified as an American Naturopathic Doctor, and as a Chinese Medical Doctor. He did an M.Sc. in at the University of Health Science in Hawaii.

Chung completed her transition to Jie Xi/Jessie in 2003. She had met her boyfriend Joshua Beh Soo Kiang, an accountant, four years earlier. He proposed to her six times, the last time in blood, before she accepted – as she was afraid that she would ruin his life.

However Malaysia does not permit the reissue of identity papers for post-operative transsexuals, and her identity card and passport say ‘male’.

She and Joshua were married in a big ceremony in 2005 at a hotel in Sarawak state on Borneo Island, Their parents gave their blessing, and the ceremony was blessed by the Charismatic Church, but the marriage will not be recognized by the state. The National Evangelical Christian Fellowship, which represents more than 2,000 churches in Malaysia, also said it would not recognize the marriage.

Jie Xi operates a health therapy business in Kuala Lumpur. She is also a singer.

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