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16 March 2008

Gareth Farr (1968 - ) musician and performer

Gareth was born in Wellington, New Zealand, and is an orchestral composer, percussionist, and drag performer.

He studied music at Auckland University and performed as a member of the Auckland Philarmonia. He studied further at Victoria University, Wellington, and then at the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New York State. He is an enthusiast of the Indonesian gamelan.

As Lilith Lacroix he was Miss Sweetheart 1995, first runner- up Miss Gay Upstate New York 1995 and second runner-up Miss Gay Rochester 1995. On returning to New Zealand Lilith developed a unique stage show, 'Drumdrag'. Ms Lacroix has also done commercials, and released pop singles.

Gareth works with the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, and has released five CDs of his music. He appears in the New Zealand documentary, The Truth About Kiwi Men, 2001, and was the subject of Gareth - Farr From Heaven, 2005 on TVNZ. He also played a drag queen in Stickmen, 2001, and has composed the music for Dead Letters, 2006 and some television programs. He was made an officer of New Zealand Order of Merit in the 2006 Queen's Birthday Honours List.

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