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25 February 2011

Ludwig Trovato (196? - ) film maker.

Bettina was raised in Reims by a Sicilian father and a French mother. He transitioned as Ludwig in the early 1980s.

He has made film documentaries, mainly about painters and writers, including: Pasolini, la langue du désir, 1985 about the Italian filmmaker; Images d'images, 1987 about 15th century painting; 3004 P about the painter Vincent Corpet; Au Coeur d'un autre temps, about Dante.

In 1999 a young man, a casual sex partner of Ludwig, egged on by his mother, accused Ludwig of rape, which led to three years of proceedings before he was acquitted. The fact that Ludwig is a trans man did not result in the charges being dropped, as giving fellatio has come to constitute rape in French law. Ludwig recounted these experiences in his book, Mon corps en procès. 

He lives in Reims, and recently has spent time in Senegal where he has been working on educational television. A retrospective of some of his films was held in Reims in 2007. In 2008 he released an autobiographical film, Ludwig.

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