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09 September 2009

Roberto C. Granato, Sr (1926 - 2014) urologist.

Dr. Granato received his medical degree from the University of Buenos Aires Medical School in 1954. He trained as an emergency room surgeon in Argentina and had a private practice there as a surgeon from 1956 to 1959.

He then moved to the United States and pursued further training in urology from 1959 to 1963. In 1961, he completed his qualifications for practicing in the United States from the Educational Council for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG). He pursued further training at New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital, which he completed in 1964. As part of his advanced training, he did clinical and laboratory research in urological cancer at the Institute of Cancer Research from 1963 to 1964 at Columbia University.

Dr. Granato is a clinical and surgical urologist who has been licensed in New York since 1964 and certified by the American Board of Urology since 1971. From 1972 - 1985 he did about 800 vaginoplasties and phalloplasties. He trained his son, Roberto E. Granato, in the techniques, but the latter did not adopt that speciality.

Patients include: Diane Kearny, Renee Richards, Eleanor Schuler, Jeanne Hoff.


  1. Granato did several surgeries in 1971. I know this because I was one of them. A dear friend had hers done by Granato in January of 1972 at my recommendation. He was quite good and early on had both a plastic surgeon and a neurologist on hand. My comment was "is this a convention of doctors" just before going under.

  2. He was my father's urologist...he saved I have all the best memories about his professionalism n his kindness. He was a dear.person, n is remembered with deep gratitude. I wish his family.all the best

  3. I had my procedure done by dr granato in 1980 and 81. I was completly satisfied god bless him for passing into my life


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