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18 December 2013

Some Events of the year 2013: Part 5: Schools, Universities & Colleges, Imprisonment,Nemeses, Internet

Some events of 20122011, 2010, 2009, 2008.

This is just some of what happened in 2013.

Part 1: Organizations & Activists, Equal marriage, Other Legislation.
Part 2: Persons
Part 3: Spouses, lovers and Family, Trans & Intersex Kids.
Part 4: Political, Celebrities, Sports.
Part 5: Schools, Universities & Colleges, Imprisonment,Nemeses, Internet.
Part 6: Doctors & Sexologists, Medicine, Genetics, Legal, Obituaries
Part 7: Dress Reform, Cis Surgeries, Fashion, Beauty Pageants, Performance.
Part 8: Art, Television & Radio, Adverts, Theatre, Cinema.
Part 9: Jargon, News Media, Journal.
Part 10: Archives, Books.

Schools, Universities & Colleges

Cameron Partridge appointed Episcopalian chaplain at Boston University.

Economist Deirdre McCloskey given award by Competitive Enterprise Institute.

H. Adam Ackley, chair of theology and philosophy, taught at Azusa Pacific University for 15 years, asked to leave after starting transition.

Mark Krolikowski, teacher, sued school in Queens, NY, after being laid off after starting transition.

Walter L. Williams, author of The Spirit and the Flesh: Sexual Diversity in American Indian Culture, 1986, was arrested in Mexico, charged with sexual predation in the Philippines, and held without bail in Los Angeles.

++  Cambridge physicist Kate Stone gored by stag while on New Year's break in Scotland.

University of Arizona, Center for Critical Studies of the Body and a graduate degree program in transgender studies and Susan Stryker.

    Ashley Del Valle, in Savannah, arrested for exposing breasts, jailed with men.

    Chelsea Manning sentenced to 35 years in a US Military prison.

    Jesiah MacDonald, Nova Scotia, wanted to use the money from the marijuana to pay for his operation, spared jail time.

    Paris Green , newly convicted for murder, has applied for gender re-assignment, but was moved after having sex with female inmates.

    ++ Kimberley Green, convicted wife killer, who does not choose to wear women's clothing, failed in suit to High Court to be allowed to wear a wig in prison.

    Walter L Williams – see Universities section above.

    Harris County, Texas, the 3rd largest jail in the US, has adopted a policy of trans prisoners being houses according to gender identity, and addressing them accordingly.

    New Zealand Ministry of Corrections announced that the New Zealand Cabinet is to change the corrections rules in order to allow prisoners to be placed in a prison which matches the gender they identify with, rather than their birth gender.
    • Michelle Lynne Kosilek. Grace's Daughter. Smashwords, 2012. The autobiography of the Massachusetts convicted murderer who has sued for gender surgery.

    RadFem 2013 was to have been held at the London Irish Centre but was cancelled after protests from trans and mens lib groups, and after the Centre investigated past comments by the proposed speakers.

    Pacific Justice Institute claimed in October that a trans girl in Colorado was harassing other girls in the girls' rest room. This was repeated on Fox News and elsewhere until the school's superintendent explained that in reality the complaint was from one mother who objected to the trans girl on principle. As a result the girl in question became a national target for vitriol, harassment and death threats.

    Frank Schubert recruited by US National Organization for Marriage to oppose California's new law allowing trans kids to choose their gender.

    Todd Koncannon, Former Executive Director of South Carolina GOP, believes Transgender People Should Be 'Put in a Camp'.

    Pat Robinson compared trans people to his castrated horse.

    Herman Rowland, CEO of Jelly Bean Candy Co, donated $5,000 towards repealing California's School Sucess and Opportunity Act.

    Mariam, on Pakistan reality show, “Living on the edge: Kon hai risk taker” , said that the one thing that she hated was Hijras. The television channel, ARV Musik, distanced itself from the contestant by running a disclaimer that said it did not support her views.

    Matt Barber, described as a “pro-family attorney” claimed that parents who let their transgender children live according to their identity are committing “nothing short of child abuse".

    Shock jocks Lex Staley and Terry Jaymes on Sirius XM joked about the shooting of Coco McDonald.

    Daily Mail columnist Richard Littlejohn defended what he wrote about Lucy Meadows, even after being criticized by the coroner.

    Following the Twitter storm re Suzanne Moore's essay with a passing reference to " Brazilian transsexual" (see next section) Julie Burchill, wrote an in-your-face article for The Observer, which then took it down and it was reprinted in The Telegraph. The Press Complaints Commission said Burchill did not breach rules on discrimination as she did not single out any individuals, but referred to ‘transgender people generally’. The police have recorded it as a hate incident, but have decided to not take further action. Jennie Kermode, the Chair of Trans Media Watch, said she was not surprised by the MET’s decision: ‘Although many people feel strongly that hate speech in a newspaper should be treated the same way it is when it happens in the street, existing laws make it very difficult for that to happen."

    2 articles in CounterPunch:

    Suzanne Moore wrote an excellent essay for The New Statesman making a lot of valid feminist points. She included the sentences: "The cliché is that female anger is always turned inwards rather than outwards into despair. We are angry with ourselves for not being happier, not being loved properly and not having the ideal body shape – that of a Brazilian transsexual. " She did not mention the high murder rate of Brazilian transsexuals , although the sentences can be reread with a slightly different meaning bearing that in mind. A subset of trans women cut her no slack at all and some used crude misogynist language which drove Moore to close her Twitter account.

    #transdocfail produced 130 detailed cases of abuse, and 98 were presented to the UK General Medical Council.

    #fuckcispeople, reportedly started by Laurelai Baile: “The message being that transgender people are systematically oppressed, trans women of color especially are at the highest risk of rape, murder and other forms of violence. We have every right to be angry about this and we have every right to express that anger.”

    Chelsea Manning
    Chelsea's was the most publicized transition of the year, coming as it did with her being sentenced to 35 years because of her brave act as a whistleblower. While most trans persons supported Chelsea, some decided that they had a stronger allegiance to to surveillance state than to other transsexuals: Kristin Beck, Diane Kearny, Autumn Sandeen. However 95,000+ nominated her for the Nobel Peace Prize and she was nominated as marshal at SF Pride.
    New blogs and Websites.
    Transgender Biography Books
    Apparently discontinued blogs etc (but some such do return after a break):
    An Iranian Transsexual
    At Home She's a Tourist
    Being Drusilla.
    Cindi Jones.
    From Transgender to Transhuman
    Intersex and the City
    Laxmi's Inner Shadows
    Maple Centers
    Moje Transpłciowe Bohaterki - My Transgender Heroines
    Science and Sexuality: The Biology of Sexual Identity, Sexual Orientation, and Intersexuality
    Southern Crossdressing
    TS-AG - Deutsche
    Websites changed:
    Tima Thransen has reorganized her Vidensbanken om kønsidentitet

    Z and the Universe moved to

    Web Videos
    iiGethii posted a time-lapse video of her change over three years.

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