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10 December 2013

Some Events of the year 2013: Part 1: Organizations & Activists, Equal marriage, Other Legislation

Some events of 20122011, 2010, 2009, 2008.

This is just some of what happened in 2013.

Part 1: Organizations & Activists, Equal marriage, Other Legislation.
Part 2: Persons.
Part 3: Spouses, lovers and Family, Trans Kids.
Part 4: Political, Celebrities, Sports.
Part 5: Schools, Universities & Colleges, Imprisonment,Nemeses, Internet.
Part 6: Doctors & Sexologists, Medicine, Genetics, Legal, Obituaries.
Part 7: Dress Reform, Cis Surgeries, Fashion, Beauty Pageants, Performance.
Part 8: Art, Television & Radio, Adverts, Theatre, Cinema.
Part 9: Jargon, News Media, Journal.
Part 10:  Archives, Books.
Organizations & Activists

Amnesty International published a Report on transphobic and homophobic Hate Crimes in Europe.

International Classification of Diseases met in San Francisco, February, advised by WPATH, Christine Burns and other trans persons and clinicians.

ProTrans is a project of Transgender Europe and aims to better protect trans people and their communities in Eastern and Southeastern Europe against violence and impunity.

Stop Trans Pathologization: Reflections from STP regarding the ICD revision process and publication of the DSM-5.

Transgender Europe met the EU Agency for Gender Equality.

Transgender Europe met in Berlin with ILGA-Europe at a roundtable on legal Gender Recognition ways forward.


Asistencia Legal para la Diversidad Sexual de El Salvador organized a conference Felicidad y Diversidad Sexual como Derechos Humanos (Happiness and Sexual Diversity as Human Rights) 14-15 March at the University of Central America campus, a Jesuit school. Trans and intersex issues were a major part of the agenda.

Chicago House, 1st transgender housing project, opened by Lana Wachowski, Mara Keising

Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation has shortened its name to GLAAD and vowed to prioritize trans issues. Jennifer Boylan became the first trans co-chair of GLAAD.

J-FLAG, included Whitney and Tiana in its We are Jamaicans video campaign.

Kathy Padilla and other advocated for Philadelphia to pass LGBT Equality Bill.

New York and elsewhere: The Name Change Project.

Outserve-SLDN director Allyson Robinson fired and then reinstated, and then stepped down.

San Francisco Pride: Bradley Manning was nominated by former Grand Marshalls to be honoured, but current Pride committee quickly rescinded the nomination.

Susan Gapka, Toronto activist.

Texas Two Spirit Society already has 150 members.

Toronto Pride again shut out the world's largest trans march.

Transgender Advocates of the Capital Region, Albany, New York.

Transgender Health Empowerment, Washington. DC, filed for bankruptcy.

TransSask in Regina.

T-Girls, Portland, Oregan, sued a bar that banned them, and were awarded $400,000.

Bindiya Rana, president of Gender Interactive Alliance, Pakistan.

Jakarta: first seniors' home for waria, organized by Mami Yuli.

Kalki Subramaniam, of the Sahodari Foundation, worked with K Mahadevan of One Indian Road Safety Organization to recruit trans women to direct traffic.

Joanne Leung, chair of Hong Kong's Transgender Resource Centre.

Rina Natan (1923 - ?) Israel's 1st known transsexual, researched by Dr. Iris Rachamimov, a historian at Tel Aviv University, and discussed as part of Gay Pride Week.


New support group in East Lancashire.

Masha Bast, chairwoman for the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights.

Charlotte Goiar, Galacia, again won a ruling that she should have surgery, and again the province did nothing.

Karen Richards adviser to Board of Manchester Pride.

National Transgender Memorial, Sackville Gardens, Manchester. Dedicated volunteers had put hours of work into the garden, which is believed to be the only memorial to victims of transphobic hate crime in the world. It was unveiled as part of the Sparkle weekend. It was later vandalized.

Protest Transphobia demonstrated against the Guardian and the Telegraph following Julie Burchill's article, and then outside Charing Cross Police Station after Jose Dos Santos was abused in Soho.

Greek Transgender Support Association (GTSA) has condemned a series of violent attacks and murders against transgender women in Turkey and has called on the Turkish Government to respond.

Greek Transgender Support Association met with mayor of Thessalonika and he promised to talk to the police chief.

Transgender Equality Network Ireland met with President Higgins, started Talk Trans Tuesdays in order to push forward gender recognition legislation.

Trans-Fuzja co-organized an international conference in Warsaw re a future Polish Gender Recognition Law.

Intersex UK featured in The Independent.


Shelley Argent of PFLAG made a donation to that Brisbane can continue to have a transgender clinic.
Meetings in Brisbane to form an Australian trans health group, organized by Melody Moore.

Michelle Diamond is working with to remove transexualism from the ICD.

Equal marriage & civil unions

A gala year for equal marriage legislation


++Nigeria: parliament passed the Same Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Bill

Brazil – the Federal Court denied notaries of states who do not recognise same-sex marriage the right to refuse to perform same-sex marriages. Marriages began in May. Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Espírito Santo, Federal District, Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraíba, Paraná, Piauí, Rondônia, Santa Catarina, Santa Rita do Sapucaí (MG), São Paulo, and Sergipe permitted equal marriages at an earlier date.

California – US Supreme Court rejected petition by backers of Proposition 8 to prevent state-wide marriages.

Delaware – passed by the Legislature.

Illinois – passed by both houses of the Legislature. Also permits opposite-sex civil unions, and recognizes out-of-state marriages and civil unions.

Hawai'i - passed by State Legislature.

Maryland – passed 2012, in effect 1/1/2013.

Minnesota – after state voters rejected a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage, the Legislature passed a bill to allow equal marrieages.

New Jersey – court ruling that equal marriage required by State Constitution.

New Mexico – no state laws explicitly permit or prohibit same-sex marriage. 8 counties started issuing licences.  ++ in December its Supreme Court ruled that blocking same-sex marriage is unconstitutional.

Rhode Island – passed by the Legislature.

Uruguay – passed by Parliament.

++ Utah:   ban bon equal marriage ruled unconstitutional by US District Court.  Hundreds of same-sex couples quickly married.   The Attorney General's office was denied an emergency stay prevent licences being issued to same sex couples.

US: Defense of Marriage Act declared unconstitutional.

Aboriginal areas in the US:
Ceará & Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians (Michigan),
Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians (Michigan),
Santa Ysabel Tribe (California),
Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation (Washington).


Hong Kong, in the case of W, Hong Kong' top court granted her the right to marry her boyfriend – a right that has existed in the rest of China since 2003.

Abbygail Wu and Jiyi Wu of Taiwan, both trans women, had their marriage revoked when the second registered her gender as female, but then the authorities decided that the marriage would stand.
Croatia will amend constitution to ban gay marriage.

France – passed by the National Assembly.

Ireland – a referendum has been announced.

England & Wales - an act was passed by Parliament permitting same-sex marriage but under different rules from those applying to heterosexual marriage. Peter Tatchell on the differences. Married trans persons will need spouse's permission before gender change. Opinion by Stephen Whittle. First wedding will not happen until March 2014.

Malta: government announced that it was dropping its objection to Joanne Cassar's marrying, and would amend the Marriage Act so that transsexuals may marry partners of their choice according to their acquired gender. Then appointed gay and trans members on council to advise re civil partnerships.

Scotland – passed second reading.
New Zealand – passed by Parliament.

Australian Capital Territory - passed but the Commonwealth challenged and nullified the law.

Other Legislation, Litigation, other government and corporate actions, etc

UN ministerial meeting warned that countries must protect LGBT citizens from violence or discrimination or they are breaking international law.

European Parliament asked the European Commission to step up its work against discrimination faced by transgender people when purchasing or accessing goods and services.

Council of Europe addressed for the first time bodily integrity of intersex children by adopting the Resolution on Children's Right to Physical Integrity. It also heard about and addressed transgender rights violations. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) called in a Resolution on June 26 for equal access to health care for transgender persons. “The Assembly notes that inequalities in access to care, including mental health care, particularly affect vulnerable groups, including…transgender persons.”

The Fundamental Rights Agency published an opinion on the situation of equality in the European Union. The publication also explores the state of affairs for trans people under EU Equality and show for example that trans people in general are not aware of available discrimination protection.


++Uganda: Passed bill to increase penalties for even sexual touching from 7 years to life imprisonment, and up to three years for failure to report violators.  The bill was first introduced in 2009.
Arizona: restroom restrictions protect business owners who bar trans persons from using their facilities, and Thomas Beatie lost his request for a divorce.

Boston police have issued new guidelines: police officers are to address transgender people by their preferred name, whether or not it is their legal name.

Mr & Mrs Crawford of South Carolina are suing over the damage caused by 'irreversible and medically unnecessary' surgery done on their child at age 16 months before they adopted him.

Canada: bill to add Gender Identity and Gender Expression to the Human Rights Code yet again passed the House of Commons, yet again stalled in the Senate – although got to third reading - and then died with all other pending bills when Prime Minister Harper prorogued Parliament.

California tg rights act; directed Insurance companies to provide transgender health coverage; name changes streamlined, students to use restrooms and be in sports teams according to their gender identity. Various right wing groups attempted to collect enough signatures to force a ballot initiative to reverse it.

Three transgender women of El Salvador shared their testimonies in the InterAmerican Commission on Human Rights of the OAS (Washington), and in front of the Salvadoran government officials, about hate attacks they and their families suffered. The women were later received by a reception co-hosted by the Human Rights Campaign.

Guyana: Chief Justice Ian Chang said people cannot be found in violation of the law if they are cross-dressing “for the purpose of expressing or accentuating his or her personal sexual orientation in public.” He said police failed to inform the litigants the reasons for their arrests and awarded them compensation. The law survived constitutional reforms in 1966 and 1980, so Mr Chang argued that changes must come from the legislature rather than the judiciary.

Oregon directed Insurance companies to provide transgender health coverage.

Pinellas County, Florida added 'gender identity' to its human rights ordinance.

Macy in Maryland won a ruling that her civil rights under Title VII of the 1964 US Civil Rights act had been violated.

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education issued guidelines re trans students.

Saskatchewan will not include include gender identity in its human rights code.

Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority discontinued gender-marker stickers on weekly and monthly passes.

San Antonio, Texas, approved a law providing nondiscrimination protections against gay and transgender residents.

Washington, DC, dropped ban on trans women in its shelters for homeless women, and made it easier to get birth certificate re-issued.

US Social Security Administration has now made it easier to change gender in their records.

US Senate passed a trans-inclusive ENDA (Employment Non-Discrimination Act).

US AFL-CIO labor federation amended its constitution Monday to add a provision banning discrimination based on gender identity or gender expression.
++ India: Supreme Court reversed decrimalization of anti-gay laws.

South Korea: 5 trans men won court case that they can get gender change without genital surgery.

Gulf countries announced medical tests to detect and ban gay and trans persons.

    Stephen Whittle discusses the disturbing implication of the conviction of Chris Wilson for not revealing his gender history.

    Albania. Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Thomas Hammarberg (Albanian) issued a paper Të Drejtat e Njeriut dhe Identiteti Gjinor (Human Rights and Gender Identity).

    Bosnia i Herzegovina: House of Representatives recently adopted hate crime legislation that is inclusive of gender identity and sexual orientation.

    The European Parliament also called on the European Commission, in line with Court of Justice, to fully include discrimination on grounds of gender identity in future policy and legislation in the field of equality between women and men.

    Germany – 3rd indeterminate gender designation on birth certificates.

    Greece. Without legislative change, police – particularly in Thessalonika and Athens – began systematically harassing trans women. They were charged with being sex workers, but the courts cleared them of all charges. A lawyer defending them was also arrested. This was justified by the Minister of Citizen Protection as to "improve the image" of the city.

    Ireland launched new measures to protect gay and trans in school from bullying, and Gender Recognition Law promised for 2014.

    Lithuania proposed a law to ban all transgender therapy and surgery, and to legalize hate speech.

    Liverpool Community Health NHS Trust has launched a new Trans Support Service.

    ++ Netherlands Parliament passed a gender recognition law to take effect July 2014.

    Paris Police regulations against women wearing trousers finally repealed. History.

    Sweden – 142 transgender people who were forced to accept sterilisation, for legal recognition of their gender identity, under a now defunct law, have launched a lawsuit against the state.

    UK. Passport Service rejected request for non-gender-specific passports. (this despite the fact that such did exist prior to joining the EU)
    Australian Capital Territory: changed tabled for Births Deaths and Marriages Registration Act so that surgery no longer required before changing a birth certificate, and easier for intersex tochange their legal gender.

    Tasmania's Anti-Discrimination Amendment Bill 2012, extended legal protections on the grounds of gender identity and intersex status for the first time.

    New Zealand Ministry of Corrections announced that the New Zealand Cabinet is to change the corrections rules in order to allow prisoners to be placed in a prison which matches the gender they identify with, rather than their birth gender.

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