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14 December 2013

Some Events of the year 2013: Part 3: Spouses, lovers and Family, Trans Kids,

Some events of 20122011, 2010, 2009, 2008.

This is just some of what happened in 2013.

Part 1: Organizations & Activists, Equal marriage, Other Legislation.
Part 2: Persons.
Part 3: Spouses, lovers and Family, Trans Kids,
Part 4: Political, Celebrities, Sports.
Part 5: Schools, Universities & Colleges, Imprisonment,Nemeses, Internet.
Part 6: Doctors & Sexologists, Medicine, Genetics, Legal, Obituaries.
Part 7: Dress Reform, Cis Surgeries, Fashion, Beauty Pageants, Performance.
Part 8: Art, Television & Radio, Adverts, Theatre, Cinema.
Part 9: Jargon, News Media, Journal.
Part 10: Archives, Books.

Spouses, lovers and Family
This year we actually have some male spouses and lovers.

Diary of a drag queen's husband
Lou Reed, rock singer died, and it was remembered that his lover in the 1970s was a trans woman.

Robyn Walters & Emery Ford both previously married twice, both had four children, both transitioned. Then they married each other.

New Blog:
Trans Kids
Arin Andrews and Katie Hill, Oklahoma, now 17 and 19, both transitioned and a couple.

Colorado's civil rights division determined that a school district discriminated in refusing to let Coy Mathis, a first-grader, use the girls' restroom.

Danielle Sheridan, 8, Richmond Hill, Ontario, in first Pride parade in the area, supported by Mayor.

Kaden, who was on Oprah when he was 11, is now in his 20s.

Leo Waddell, 12, Lowestoft.

Lulu, Argentina, 6, granted girl's identity card.

Jazz --- transgender at 11: I want boobs.

Harriette Dickens and her family.

Jake, a trans boy was on The Oprah Show in 2007. His brother Jason feeling ignored became anorexic. Now both brothers are in their early 20s and get on well. Jake is a psychology student and LGBT activist.

Tony Zamazal, Houston, 19, permitted to dress female at school prom.

Issak Wolfe, Pennsylvania, permitted to take his girlfriend to the school prom, however when ran for prom king, was listed under prom queen.

Nicole Maines, 14, Maine. Family sued over access to female restroom.

Nikki, featured in People magazine.

Tyler, Maryland.

William Copeland and his supportive family.

Family court of Australia judge gave permission for two trans teenagers to undergo hormone treatment, after it was revealed that both teens had self-harmed and contemplated suicide.
  • Marsha Aizumi with Aiden Aizumi. Two Spirits, One Heart: A Mother, Her Transgender Son, and Their Journey to Love and Acceptance. Magnus Books, 2013.
  • Michele Angello. On the Couch with Dr. Angello: A Guide to Raising & Supporting Transgender Youth. Philadelphia, PA: [S.n.], 2013.
  • Lori Duron. Raising My Rainbow: Adventures in Raising a Fabulous, Gender Creative Son. Broadway Books, 2013.
  • Jon & Luisa Edwards. The Boy Who Was Born a Girl: One Mother's Unconditional Love for Her Child. Arrow, 2013.
  • Diane Ehrenshaft. Gender Born, Gender Made: Raising Healthy Gender-Nonconforming Children. Experiment LLC; 3rd edition, 2012.
  • Paige Lucas-Stannard. Gender Neutral Parenting: Raising kids with the freedom to be themselves. Verity Publishing, 2013.
  • Anne Smith. "Girl Nutz": The Epitome of Femininity: A Child's Transgender Journey From A Parent's Perspective. AuthorHouise, 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget to have a Merry Christmas!

    And even tho I don't fully understand it all, thanks for all you do to inform us!


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