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16 December 2013

Some Events of the year 2013: Part 4: Political, Celebrities, Sports,

Some events of 20122011, 2010, 2009, 2008.

This is just some of what happened in 2013.

Part 1: Organizations & Activists, Equal marriage, Other Legislation.
Part 2: Persons.
Part 3: Spouses, lovers and Family, Trans Kids.
Part 4: Political, Celebrities, Sports,
Part 5: Schools, Universities & Colleges, Imprisonment, Nemeses, Internet.
Part 6: Doctors & Sexologists, Medicine, Genetics, Legal, Obituaries.
Part 7: Dress Reform, Cis Surgeries, Fashion, Beauty Pageants, Performance.
Part 8: Art, Television & Radio, Adverts, Theatre, Cinema.
Part 9: Jargon, News Media, Journal.
Part 10: Archives, Books.

Political Candidates

Nikki Sinclaire, elected UK Independence Party Member of the European Parliament, left UKIP because of its homophobia, published her autobiography, and mentioned that she had transitioned 23 years ago.     Why she is not a role model.
Anna Grodzka, MP, nominated for Deputy Speaker, but MPs voted to keep incumbent, gave Kaleidoscope Trust Lecture on International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia.

Bindiya Rana running for Pakistan Parliament.

Diane Rodriguez running for Ecuador Congress.

Georgina Beyer, NZ Labour MP 1999-2007, is suffering kidney failure.

Laura Calvo elected to US National Democratic Committee.

Naina Lal running for Pakistan Parliament.

Rianna Humble, in running to become Labour parliamentary candidate in Brighton.

Sanam Fakir running for Pakistan Parliament.

Valentina Verbal withdrew her candidacy for the conservative National Renewal Party of Chile rather than run under her birth name.

Jason Burke. "Pakistan's once-ridiculed transgender community fight elections for first time: Hijras can vote and run for seats in polls following supreme court decision recognising them as 'third gender'". The Guardian, 9 May 2013.
Aslam Pasha running for Karnataka assembly,

Hazreen Daud, political secretary to Tanjung Bungah state assemblyman Teh Yee Cheu of Malaysia's Democratic Action Party.

Soumya running for Karnataka assembly for the Bahujan Samaj Party.

Tara Hewitt elected as Chair of Wirral Conservative Future.
Cities, towns and regions:
Jane Chaplin, 65, Conservative three years on Wellington town council in Shropshire, started transition after wife died.

Jenifer Rene, candidate for Houston City Council.
Jennifer McCreath to run for deputy mayor in St John's, Newfoundland.

Parveen Banu was elected to a city council office in Bellary, a city of a half-million southeast of Mumbai.

Penny Ellis, Leominster Parish Councillor, published a novel about a pre-op and then came out as a transvestite.

Sarah Brown, LibDem councillor Cambridge, in a polyamorous relationship. She also tweeted: "I had a misdiagnosis which led to surgery I regret, and which has caused long term problems. Will David Batty and @bindelj write about this". But press followup ceased as soon as she mentioned that she meant surgery on her hand.

Also: gay mayoral candidate Marco McMillan, Clarkesdale, Mississippi, was murdered. Wikipedia.
Alex Jones: "I don’t want my daughters growing up in a country where some transvestite comes walking into the thing hopped out of their brain on drugs vomiting and crapping all over the place".

B. Scott sued BET Networks after being pulled from hosting for being in female clothing.

Cyndi Lauper: I am a "drag queen"

Freddie Mercury and Kenny Everett disguised Diana Spencer in male drag in 1988 for a trip to the Vauxhall Tavern.

When asked in [a USA Today] interview how it was she looked so fresh after spending the previous night ‘partying’, Gwyneth Paltrow replied: “Are you crazy? I’m like RuPaul! I have so much makeup on. Foundation! Last night, I was literally a transvestite.” This was written up by Courtney O'Donnell, and reprinted on Wipe Out Transphobia Facebook where hundreds of trans people left comments attacking transvestites, cross dressers, drag queens and other fringe members of the trans community simply because they don't want to be associated with them, and the site moderator had to remove both article and comments and left an explanation. Courtney explained in an Huffington Post article. (Actually Paltrow in wearing much makeup, given that she is a woman, was a homeovestite not a transvestite).

Mister Cee, New York Hop Hop DJ, resigned (for less than a day) after a video was posted of him soliciting sex from trans woman Bimbo Winehouse.

Imelda Marcos made her husband's generals dress as women.

Jared Leto auditioned and stayed in role for trans part in Dallas Buyers Club.

Richard O'Brien discussed his gender with the BBC.
Aeris Houlihan told by England Football Association that cannot play on women's team until two years after her operation.

Bobbie Lancaster, golfer, tried out for LPGA tour.

Cory Oskam got to skate with hockey star Cory Schneider.

Drew-Ashlyn Cunningham, of My Transsexual Summer is now UK's 1st trans wrestler.

Fallon Fox, MMA fighter, came out in an interview with Outsports, and some challenged her right to fight females.

Harley Ryder, wrestler.

Taylor Edelmann, volleyball captain.

Tony Bias, school basketball player, Los Angeles.

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