This site is the most comprehensive on the web devoted to trans history and biography. Well over 1700 persons worthy of note, both famous and obscure, are discussed in detail, and many more are mentioned in passing.

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20 December 2013

Some events of the year 2013: Part 6: Doctors & Sexologists, Medicine, Genetics, Legal, Obituaries.

Some events of 20122011, 2010, 2009, 2008.

This is just some of what happened in 2013.

Part 1: Organizations & Activists, Equal marriage, Other Legislation.
Part 2: Persons.
Part 3: Spouses, lovers and Family, Trans Kids.
Part 4: Political, Celebrities, Sports.
Part 5: Schools, Universities & Colleges, Imprisonment,Nemeses, Internet.
Part 6: Doctors & Sexologists, Medicine, Genetics, Legal, Obituaries.
Part 7: Dress Reform, Cis Surgeries, Fashion, Beauty Pageants, Performance.
Part 8: Art, Television & Radio, Adverts, Theatre, Cinema.
Part 9: Jargon, News Media, Journal.
Part 10: Archives, Books.

Doctors & Sexologists
Thorkil Sørensen, the Danish psychiatrist responsible for the chapter on transsexuality in the psychiatric handbook used by medical students, Psykiatri. En lærebog om voksnes psykiske sygdom, has decided not to classify it as a disorder in the newest edition.

Laura Cameron interviewed Ray Blanchard. "How the Psychiatrist Who Co-Wrote the Manual on Sex Talks About Sex". Motherboard, April 2013.

Joseph Berger, obscure Toronto psychiatrist, attempted to attract attention by testifying at the hearings for the Canadian trans rights bill by claiming that there is no such thing as a transgender.

Jack Dresher, New York psychiatrist who has strongly spoken out against conversion therapy for gays, was invited by the New York Times to comment on the Coy Mathis case and pronounced : "Actually, no one knows whether Coy will continue to feel that she is a girl when her body develops further, since most children like her grow up to be gay, not transgender" as if Richard Green's Sissy Boy Syndrome, 1987 were the latest research in the field. Response by Kelly Winters

Dr Albert Yuen Wai-cheung of Ruttonjee Hospital, Hong Kong has done 70 sex correction surgeries since 1987, more trans men than trans woman.

Mohammad Saberi, the head of the Tehran Department of Forensic Psychiatry reported 8 times as meny mtf as ftm operations in Iran. In Iran, he says, one in every 50,000 to 100,000 people suffers from gender identity disorder. He added that sex change operations have a 30-year history in Iran, and of the 60 cases of the disorder reported each year, about 40 people are approved for sex change operations. operations are now well regulated after being brought under the supervision of the Department of Forensic Psychiatry, which has developed a strict protocol. He reported that in the past 18 years, the youngest person to undergo a sex change operation was 14 and the oldest was 53. He stressed, however, that under the new regulations, sex change operations are not approved for minors.

Richard Curtis, Russell Reid's successor, was under investigation.

New Gender Identity Clinic in Uptown Chicago. More.

New clinic in Brisbane, after previous clinic lost its funding. $20,000 was needed and was provided a member of PFLAG.

3 Vietnamese hospitals assigned to prepare for doing transgender surgery.

DSM 5. Comments: Kelly Winters, Andrea James.

UK General Medical Council agreed to examine 39 case histories involving alleged abuse of trans patients.

The relatively unknown John Dean was appointed to lead the UK NHS Gender Identity Services Clinical Reference Group.

NHS England will temporarily implement an edited version of the policies and protocols for trans patients used by the NHS in Scotland. The plan is then for the Clinical Reference Group under John Dean, to develop policies for England which address the equality concerns raised.

Damien Riggs & Clemence Due of Flinders University, Adelaide, published The Health Care Experiences of People whose Gender Identity Differs from that Expected of their Natally Assigned Sex, reported discrimination by health professionals. Full report.
Medicine & Genetics
Marcie Bowers and the Raelian Church ally to restore sexuality to victims of female genital mutilation.

The Human Rights Campaign and the National Center for Transgender Equality wrote calling on the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to re-evaluate a discriminatory policy that denies cancer screenings to transgender women in that they are not considered women.

New US Affordable Care Act has extra hurdles for trans persons.

Ancestral societies that accepted trans members had evolutionary advantages.

Cis Obituaries
Jean Manford (1920-2013) co-founder of PFLAG.
Colin Wilson (1931 – 2013) prolific author who was Charlotte Bach's first biographer.
Lou Reed (1942 – 2013) singer-songwriter who had a trans lover in the 1970s, and wrote about other trans women.
Iain Banks (1954 - 2013) author of The Wasp Factory.

Killed by a trans person:

Reena Andrews, Spokane, Washington, shot Erin Bailey, a trans man and self.
Paris Green (when still Peter Laing), Glasgow, and 2 others brutally murdered Robert Shankland this last March over a bag of crisps, is now convicted and serving a life sentence, and has applied for gender re-assignment.

Trans Obituaries – other than being murdered

Betty Cowell (1918 – 2011) UK's first surgical trans woman. Her death two years ago only now reported.
José Sarria (1922 – 2013) San Francisco caterer, drag queen, activist.
Georgina Somerset (1923 – 2013) dentist, author of first book on transsexuality.
Yvonne Sinclair (1928 – 2013) London activist. More.
Joanne Marie Conte (1933 – 2013) council member in Arvada outed by political opponents, Colorado, state legislature candidate, reporter.
++Mario Montez (1935 - 2013) avant-garde actor.
Tobi Marsh (1938 – 2012) performer.
Joann Roberts (1948 – 2013) TGForum co-founder, from lung cancer.
PJ Torokvei (1951 – 2013) actor producer screenwriter.
++ Asha Devi (1952 - 2013) mayor of Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, 2000-3.
Jazzie Collins (1958 – 2012) activist
++ Charl Marais (1958 - 2013) activist in Gender DynamiX. 
Melani Elaneke (1959 – 2013) Hawaiian-San Francisco activist.
Danielle Kaufman (1960 – 2013) California doctor, after publishing her autobiography. Article by Danielle.
Erica Andrews (1969 – 2013) performer, of a lung infection.
Chrisie Edkins (1980 – 2013) singer, ex-bodybuilder, performed at York Pride, suicide. Previously.
Amber Maxwell (1993 – 2013) revolutionary socialist.
Murdered Trans persons
238 murders of trans persons were recorded in 2013, and many more died without being recorded. These are but a small sample.

Ce Ce Dove (1992 – 2012) Cleveland, Ohio.
Cecilia Marahouse (? -2013) performer, Fortaleza, Brazil.
Lucy Meadows (1980-2013) schoolteacher, Accrington, Lancs, of suicide after Press harassment.
Domonique Newburn (1982 – 2013) star in YouTube series, Hollywood Houseboys.
Diamond Williams (1982 – 2013) Philadelphia, killed by a trick.
Eyricka Morgan (1987 – 2013) New Brunswick, New Jersey, killed by a neighbor.
Dora Özer (1988 - 2012) Aydin, Turkey. YouTube.
Evon Young (1991-2013) rapper, Milwaukee.
Islan Nettles (1992 – 2013) employee at H&M, New York, killed by a stranger she passed on the street.
Dasha Shtern (1991 – 2013) employee of Ekaterinburg municipality until fired after new Russian anti-gay laws. Suicide.
Dwayne Jones (1995 – 2013) Jamaica, killed at a party when read. Later Dwayne's house was firebombed.

Here is the best list of names for November 2011-November 2012

Note the general increase: 162 in 2009
179 in 2010
221 in 2011
265 in 2012
238 in 2013 (which is slightly less bad than 2012)
the majority from Brazil (95, 126 in 2012), Mexico (40, 48 in 2012), the USA (16, 15 in 2012), Venezuela (15, 9 in 2011), Honduras (12, 8 in 2012), Colombia (12, 6 in 2012), and In Asia most reported cases have been found in India (8) and Turkey (5).

Of course most countries did not supply data.

The outrageously bad Wikipedia page called List of unlawfully killed transgender people lists a total of 3 trans persons being killed in 2013.

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