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09 April 2011

Tamara Adrián Hernández (1954 – ) lawyer, activist, Congresswoman.

Thomas Adrián was raised in Caracas, and was sent, as a child, to a psychologist for gender problems. However, Adrián graduated in law at Universidad Católica Andrés Bello and joined the family law firm, Adrián & Adrián. After  completing a doctorate at the University of Paris in 1982, Adrián was was from then a professor of law at Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, and at the Universidad Central de Venezuela from 1986. He married and had two children.

Adrián became a renowned activist for refugees, women's and gay rights. This work resulted in the inclusion of LGBT rights language in the Ecuadorian and Bolivian constitutions, even though Venezuela has resisted them.

As Tamara, Adrián had surgery in Thailand in 2002. She has since married a woman: they are the only legally married female couple in Venezuela. In 2004 she asked the Venezuelan Sala Constitucional del Tribunal Supremo to recognize her as Tamara. By 2010 it had not even ruled on the admissibility of the request. The Foro para los Derechos Humanos y la Democracia have supported Tamara in her denial of justice.
In 2009 Tamara was one of 33 experts who met in Los Angeles to discuss how to implement the Yogyakarta Principles. Also that year, the Metropolitan Council of Caracas awarded her the Luis Maria Olaso Order on behalf of emerging persons.

In 2010, still frustrated by the Constitutional Chamber, Tamara presented her papers to the National Assembly that she herself, being better qualified than is required, should be appointed to the Constitutional Chamber. At the personal interview, she was called by her male name, but refused to respond until called by her proper name.

++In 2015 Tamara was a candidate for Voluntad Popular, but was obliged to run under her male name.  She was elected to Congress in the December elections.


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