Under the name Laura de Vison, he was also a well-known transformista from the 1970s to the 1990s. In particular he performed at the bar Boêmio. In a ninety-minute act he wore many of his almost 100 dresses.

He was often compared to Divine. He has been in eight films, and several television series. He was Gluttony for a samba school float in Carnaval.
He died at age 68 due to complications after surgery for a hernia.
- « Meet Laura de Vison ». Insider’s Guide to Rio de Janeiro. www.ipanema.com/laura.
- “Morre o transformista Laura de Vison“ . O Globo. 10/07/2007. http://oglobo.globo.com/cultura/mat/2007/07/10/296713887.asp.
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