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09 June 2010

Angie Stardust (1939 - 2007) performer.

Mel Michaels was born in Norfolk, Virginia and raised in Harlem, New York. She started performing at age 14. She was a singer and a drag artiste and was in the Jewel Box Revue in the late 1950s, early 1960s. She was the first black star at the 82 Club. She was fired for taking female hormones. ++"One of the owners said to her: "Girls like you are going to be the death of this business". 

She performed in Cannes, Marseilles, Paris and Berlin.

From 1974 she has been a resident of Germany. She was in four German films in the 1970s and 1980s: Inspektor Perrak greift ein, 1970, Die Alptraumfrau (Nightmare Woman) 1981, Stadt der Verlorenen Seelen (City of Lost Souls) 1983 and Eine Handvoll Vergnügen (Crazy Boys) 1987.  ++She completed her womanhood in the mid 1980s.

She ran a nightclub on Hamburg’s Reeperbahn at Spielbudenplatz 27-28 upstairs in Schmidts Tivoli Theatre from 1990, but later had to give it up because of ill-health, although it is still named after her.

She died aged 67.

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