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25 December 2010

Some Events of the year 2010: Part 2– Persons

Part 2: Persons
Part 4: Visual media
Part 6: Books

Public & Private Events

19 young men in Sudan were sentenced to 30 lashes and fined after a police raid found them in female clothing and makeup. They were flogged in public.

The mummy of a 4th century CE Egyptian child who died of a brain haemorrhage, currently located at Saffron Walden Museum in Essex, has been determined to be a male-bodied girl.

Christine Ehlers, Johannesburg, Labour Court rules that she must be reinstated in her job.

Denise Abbah, a cis woman, a mother of five, was charged with robbery in 2003 and thrown in a men's jail because of a clerical error. When she objected that she was a woman, they said that she was a transsexual. She was frequently raped, front and back, for seven months before being acquitted. In 2010 she sued for compensation and was obliged to take a sex test.

Fadwaan Murphy, South African gangster, outed as intersex.

Jennifer Kristen, of South Africa, has spent R80,000 but Department of Home Affairs will not recognize her as a woman.

Lindsay, out trans woman in Kenya.

Norah Salah Salem, who had applied without success for approval from the Ministry of Health for gender surgery, resorted to underground plastic surgeon, Mahmoud Eteifi, in Asyut, Egypt. Dr Eteifi was arrested.

Sally Mursi. Al-Azhar University is still refusing to admit Sally in the school of medicine. The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights will have to take the case to the African Court on Human Rights.

Patricia working as a teacher in Swaziland.

Tiwonge Chimbalanga and her lover in Malawi were arrested for homosexuality, and then released after international protests. Tiwonge was first reported as a gay man, then as a trans woman, then as a traditional Malawian gender role, than as intersex.
Alexandra Reyes granted asylum in US.

Alexis Reich (John Mark Karr), who was arrested in Thailand after confessing to the murder of JonBenet Ramsey but released after his DNA did not match, completed transition.

Amanda Simpson appointed senior technical adviser to the U.S. Commerce Department's Bureau of Industry and Security.

Amy Weston, astronomer.

Autumn Sandeen and other US veterans handcuffed themselves to white house fence to protest Don't Ask Don't Tell policy.

Antonia Lara, Idaho, complained about abuse during a short stay in prison, thus outed herself and lost her job.

Bastian Phelan, started a zine, Ladybeard.

Ms Bob Davis, at City College of San Francisco, appointed interim dean.

Brittany Novotny ran for state representative in Oklahoma.

Candis Cayne was Grand Marshall at Vancouver Pride.

Catherine Carlson, Idaho, transitioned in 1980. In 2007 the police insisted on putting her long unused male name on a traffic citation. This has now escalated to charges involving bombs.

Dana Beyer ran in the Democratic Primary for the Maryland House of Delegates.

Deena Kaye Myers, convicted of robbery in Richmond, Virginia, is in a male prison despite medically assigned female at birth.

Diana Taylor, New Jersey, arrested to prove a bet, charged with littering when she complained.

Donna Milo ran in the primary for US House of Representatives as a Republican opposed to equal marriages, and got 22% of the vote.

Eden Lane competed to host a show on the Oprah network.

Elena Kelly, reverend.

Erin Vaught suffered transphobic abuse and was refused treatment despite coughing up blood at a hospital in Muncie, Indiana.

Fernanda Benvenutty ran as a candidato a Deputado Estadual da Paraíba.

Hadassah D Gavi Chayim changed her name once for religious reasons. North Carolina allows only one change per lifetime.

Inga Langdon, experimental film maker in 1970s returns for a retrospective.

Activist Jacqueline Jesus completed her PhD

Jennifer Leitham a featured artist at Toronto Pride.

Juin Baize, 16, not allowed to attend school.

Frank Spisak had his death sentence re-instated.

Joey Hateley, Ecuador, a trans man was able to marry a cis man only because he is still legally female.

Kyle Inselmanm, BFA student at University of Colorado in Boulder, won a Point Foundation scholarship.

Lord Jesus Christ III banned from the local library.

Mackenzie Valentine of New York awarded $55,000 after abuse and being fired.

Maria Spinelli, a rarity in the movies: a trans woman plays a trans woman.

Melania Cortez from Columbia won the Miss International Queen competition.

Nicole Morales, spiritual cleanser, arrested for molesting boys.

Nikki Araguz, widowed when her fightfighter husband died on the job, had her gender challenged by her
ex-husband's ex-wife and his mother in 2 lawsuits claiming her widow's benefits.

Oak Reed, rejected by his school administration as homecoming king, embraced by fellow students.

Patti Dawn Swannsson, Winnipeg sports writer has completed transition.

Phyllis Frye appointed a judge in Houston. She is Nikki Araguz's lawyer.

Rachel Amratiel, convicted on weapons charges, imprisoned.

Robyn Deane, ex-brother-in-law of Virginia's homophobic governor, came out.

Reuben Zellman ordained as a rabbi.

Rody Humano , Argentinian councillor married her long-time lover.

Rupert Raj, long time activist, mainly in Toronto, was awarded the Steinert & Ferreiro Award at Community One Foundation’s 30th Anniversary Celebration.

Russell Williams, Colonel in command at Canadian Forces Base Trenton, convicted of two murders, sexual assault and 84 counts of breaking and entering. He photographed himself in the underwear of his female victims.

Scott Moore has a public pregnancy.

Shauna Taylor, Canadian inmate, refused a sex change.

Susan McIntyre, housekeeper at Iowa Newman Center fired by Bishop after quietly offering counseling services.

Tamara Adrian Hernandez, law professor in Caracas, having been refused by the Supreme Court re her identity papers for over 6 years, proposed herself to the National Assembly as a member of the Supreme Court.

Theresa Sparks ran for San Francisco supervisor.

Sabrina Hill, an intersex woman, was able to marry Therese Bur in Texas because her birth certificate says that she was a boy.

Tania Luna, actress, 1st Argentinian to change name and gender on the identity card before surgery.

Thomas Beatie gives birth to 3rd child.

Tyjanae Moore was arrested after using a female toilet in a library in Houston.

Tyler McCormick, wheelchair bound, wins Mr Rio Grande Leather and International Mr Leather at the 32nd competition in Chicago.

Vandy Glenn, fired from her job as legislative editor in US Georgia, won a ruling that it was sex discrimination. More.

Victoria Kolakowski elected judge in Alameda, California.
Japanese trans man who had a child with his wife, using his brother's sperm, has been informed by the authorities that the child has been registered as illegitimate.

Three Japanese men and their Filipino wives were arrested in that the wives, trans women used the ID of other women to obtain visas and alien registration cards.

Five Turkish trans sex workers were forced out of their car by police, beaten up, and are facing three years for "resisting police". Case later dismissed, and police reprimanded.

Beoung Kak 2, outside Phnom Penh is becoming a town for gays and trans.

Ahmed, Gaza, transitioned.

Alter Hofan, with Klinefelters, was registered as female when his male genitalia did not develop when he was a baby, but he grew up male. He has been arrested in Jakarta after his mother-in-law complained to the police. He was put in a female jail and charged with falsifying his birth certificate. The Indonesian Bishops Council (KWI) condemned his marriage. Alter is facing seven years in prison.

G continues as an orthodox woman.

Huang Wei in Shenzhen, after botched surgery still cannot get her ID card changed.

Jin Xing, dancer, did an Australian tour.

Laxmi Tripathi was ejected from a party at Bombay Gymkhana. Maharashtra State Human Rights Commission issued summons to the club to explain why.

Liching, popular television host in Taiwan, who transitioned in 1981, and married a younger man in 2002, and wrote an autobiography admitting being intersex, was claimed to be a man in a medical journal by the doctor who helped her in 1981, which in turn was picked up by the popular press.

Maemunah, 15, of Semarang, Java, has been recognized as male despite being listed as a girl on his birth certificate.

Mahtab Mirghaderi, Iranian, fled to Turkey with her boyfriend in 2007. They married in Turkey. In 2009 they were rejected as refugees, and ordered back to Iran. They are hoping to emigrate to Canada.

Priyanka, radio jockey, Bangalore.

Rani was arrested in Peshawar at her wedding to become the third wife of fertiliser dealer Malik Khan. Khan had paid her family 380,000 rupees.

Rose Venkatesan, TV host, visited Thailand for surgery with Dr Thep Vechavisit.

Saman Arastu, Iranian actor returned to films in male role.

Sarah Gill, a student at the Jinnah Medical and Dental College in Karachi, outed herself and put future parental funding for her studies at risk.

Sarwait Patarachokchai, a Thai living in Germany, in love with a Kashmiri, transferred Rs 15 lakh, and was then dumped.

Selvi, Tamil Nadu, a sports doctor.

Veena S, a Dalit, vice-president of Karnataka Sex Workers Union, ran in the BBMP elections.
Spanish trans girl has surgery at 16.

Scottish Parliament apologizes to trans woman after she was searched by a male guard.

Two Indonesian trans women rescued from sex slavery in Moscow.

Andrea and Balazs, Hungary, marriage of a trans man and a trans woman.

Ania, Poland, a trans woman was able to marry a cis woman only because she is still legally male.

Flight Lieutenant Ayla Holdom of the RAF is in transition.

Carmen de Mairena, Barcelona ran as number two in the candidate list in Barcelona for the Coordinadora Reusenca Independent, CORI, at the regional elections on November 28.

Christina Timbrell, who had been denied a pension on the female schedule because she was still married to her wife, went to an appeal court and has been awarded five-year’s back pay.

Christine Burns first trans patron of LGBT History Month.

Delphine Ravisé-Giard initially accepted as female by the French Air Force, had her female identity revoked by a court in Nancy on the grounds that her change is not irreversible.

Emily de Salvo accepted at the Tito Schipa Conservatory in Bari as a singing student.

Emma Holbrook, college media technician, transitioned at work.

Jan Krause of Cheshire, convicted of harassing her neighbours for six years, escaped jail because of the problem of where to put her.

Jan Morris recalled her reporting of the Hillary ascent of Everest at the Royal Geographical Society.

Jane Fae, journalist, started transition and was featured in Daily Mail. She now regularly reports on trans news for Pink News.

Joanne Cassar, Malta, who completed legal and surgical transition in 2006, has had to go through court cases and appeals in an attempt to marry.

John Henry Newman (1801 - 90) was beatified during the Pope's visit to the UK.

Katrina Harte of North Tyneside was told told by her local pub not to use the ladies, and stopped going there.

Fatine Bahai, now Mrs Young, finally won her claim for asylum in the UK.

Fredrick Federley, Centre Party member of Swedish Parliament, who accepted an all-expenses paid trip to Gran Canaria, said that it was his drag alter, Ursula who accepted the trip.

Jasmine Goode starts transition while in prison.

Laura Voyce of Merseyside, convicted of downloading indecent images of children, was spared jail because of the difficulty of finding somewhere to send her.

Luana Ricci helped Emily De Salvo in her audition for the Bari Tito Schipa Conservatory by providing piano accompaniment, and was the organist for the ordination of female priest Maria Vittoria Longhitano.

Lydia Foy, Ireland, after a 13 year struggle to change the gender on her birth certificate, will be able to do so.

Marianne Jonson was caught doing welfare fraud.

Marja-Sisko Aalto, Finnish Lutheran priest returned to work, and almost 600 parishioners left.

Miriam Rivera, previously featured on reality show, There’s Something About Miriam, now working as ₤300 a hour escort.

Nina Kanagasingham has been charged with the murder of Sonia Burgess.

Olivier Chaumont transitioned and became the first female member of the Grand Orient of France (Masonic).

Patty Escoffier was refused gender surgery in France, so moved to UK and was accepted for gender surgery.

Rachel Millington, who was fired for starting transition, brought her case to an employment tribunal in Nottingham. The management suggested that Rachel should apologize to co-workers for the distress that she had caused them.

Ria Cooper, UK, has surgery at 16.

Stephen Owens, of Bolton, given for further jail term for abusing young girls while cross-dressed.

Sophie Harrison, ex-paratrooper, in transition.

Tai Wakefield, murderer, 36 years in prison, transitioned 10 years ago, has civil union.

Thomas Dahner passes all other tests to become a policeman in Hessen, but is rejected because does not have a functioning testicle.
Malaysian trans woman refused female papers in Malaysia, accepted as refugee in Australia.

Adele Bailey of Melbourne was murdered in 1978. In 2010 new evidence was given to the Office of Police Integrity.

Captain Bridget Clinch will have her operation paid for by ADF.

Conor Montgomery, singer, complained to Human Rights Commission in that not able to change birth certificate .

Dione Kaeo-Tomaselli, a female intersex person, was kept two months in Hawai'i's largest men's prison.

Georgina Beyer working selling jewelry.

Jade Starr, ex-death-metal musician now singer with a lesbian & trans band.

Kim Coco Iwamoto was re-elected to the Hawai'i Board of Education

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