Clarke has played French horn with the Toledo Symphony since late 1990. Clarke and wife divorced in 2001, and as Sandra she transitioned later that year. She stayed in the orchestra as principle horn player, and wrote an autobiography in 2004.
She composed and gave recitals and won the Fischoff National Chamber Music competition. She also organized the symphony’s out-of-town concerts, managed ticket sales, and handled advertising for programs.
By 2014 Sandra's health was deteriorating, although she was able to play during the entire season. She died of brain cancer at age 54.
*Not the character in the sitcom, 227, nor the linguist at Memorial University.
Sandra Clark. Running to Normal. New York: iUniverse 2004.
- Mark Reiter. "Sandra Clark [1959-2014]; Symphony horn player wrote book". The Blade, 7/15/2014.

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