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07 June 2015

Pascale Ourbih (1972 - ) model, actress, activist

Original February 2008, revised June 2015.

Ourbih was raised in Algeria and initially trained as a pharmacist. At age 18 Ourbih moved to Paris as Pascale, and started transition. She had surgery a year later.

She found work as a model. In 2000 Pascale was offered the lead role by Pierre-Alain Meier in his film Thelma about a trans woman who returns to Crete and meets her daughter. Since then Pascale has worked in several films and television series.

In 2008, right after acquiring French citizenship, she ran for office for the Greens in the 16th arrondissement of Paris. She ran again in 2014.

From 2008 to 2013 Pascale was president of the Chéries-Chéris LGBT film festival. In 2010 she was on the jury for the Cannes Film Festival first gay prize.

She is also an activist for trans rights, human rights, the ecology and against AIDS.

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