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08 August 2013

18 trans persons in Italy who changed things by example and/or achievement

See also US, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Australia/NZ, Americans in Europe, Europeans in the Americas.

  1. Sporus (? - 69) after Nero killed his wife Poppaea, he had his slave Sporus castrated and dressed like her. Sporus was at Nero's death and became the consort of his successor. GWVV EN.WIKIPEDIA
  2. Elagabalus (203 – 222) Roman Emperor from age 14 to 18. Reputed to do what would now be regarded as gay and trans. EN.WIKIPEDIA  

  3. Roland Ronchaia (? - 1354) sex worker during the Black Death. GVWW
  4. Bellino (1732 – 1790) castrato impersonator. GVWW
  5. Giorgia O'Brien (1928 – 2004) travesti, singer, actor. GVWW IT.WIKIPEDIA 

  6. Dominot (1930 - ) performer at Le Carrousel and in Rome. Star in Fellini's La Dolce Vita. GVWW    IT.WIKIPEDIA   

  7. Maria Starace (1932 - ) writer, actor, painter. In 1959 the most famous homosexual in Italy; in 1983 the most famous transsexual. GVWW IT.WIKIPEDIA    
  8. Marcella do Folco (1943 – 2010) film actor at Cinecitta, Movimento Italiano Transsessuali activist, Bologna city councillor. GVWW    IT.WIKIPEDIA   
  9. Roberta Franciolini (1945 – 2011) activist. GVWW   
  10. Mario Mieli (1952 - 1983) Marxist pioneer transvestite/gay activist and theorist who argued that the repressive system stifles natural transsexuality. EN.WIKIPEDIA IT.WIKIPEDIA   
  11. Eva Robin's (1958 - ) model, singer, actor. GVWW EN.WIKIPEDIA IT.WIKIPEDIA  
  12. Robertina Manganaro (1958 - ) aristocrat, doctor, model, designer. GVWW     
  13. Mirella Izzo (1959 - ) activist, founder of Chrysalis AzioneTrans. IT.WIKIPEDIA
  14. Luana Ricci (1963 - ) musicista in Lecce. GVWW  
  15. Vladimir Luxuria (1965 - ) activist, actor, Member of Parliament. GVWW EN.WIKIPEDIA IT.WIKIPEDIA  
  16. Martina Castellana (196? - ) dermatologist, Salerno city councillor. GVWW 
  17. Davide Tolu (1969 - ) writer, translator, activist. GVWW  
  18. Ketty Gabriele (1981 - ) Camorristi. GVWW EN.WIKIPEDIA  

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