The gaming lead to administrative fines, brawls and finally he was arrested in 1924, and later transferred to the Bureau of Criminal Anthropology for compulsory therapy. The psychiatrist A.P. Shtess claimed that he used a combination of Freudian analysis, hypnotism and persuasion, and was able to ‘cure’ the patient of both masculinity and of smoking. She adopted female clothing, became much more reserved and started talking about having a baby. She was returned to a branch of the family that would not be tempted by her potential market earnings.
*Not the cosmonaut.
- A.P. Shtess. “Sluchai zhenskogo gomoseksualizma pri nalichii situs viscerum inversus, ego psikhanaliz I gipnoterapiia”. Saratovskii vestnik zdravookhraneniia. 3-4 1935: 1-19.
- Dan Healey. Homosexual Desire in Revolutionary Russia: The Regulation of Sexual and Gender Dissent. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press xvi, 392 pp 2001: 66-8, 289n69, fig 10-12.
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