This site is the most comprehensive on the web devoted to trans history and biography. Well over 1700 persons worthy of note, both famous and obscure, are discussed in detail, and many more are mentioned in passing.

There is a detailed Index arranged by vocation, doctor, activist group etc. There is also a Place Index arranged by City etc. This is still evolving.

In addition to this most articles have one or more labels at the bottom. Click one to go to similar persons. There is a full list of labels at the bottom of the right-hand sidebar. There is also a search box at the top left. Enjoy exploring!

26 December 2012

Some Events of the year 2012: Part 7–Doctors & Sexologists, Medicine, Genetics, Obituaries.

Part 1: Organizations, Equal marriage.
Part 2: Other Legislation.
Part 3: Persons.
Part 4: Spouses, Family, Kids.
Part 5: Political, Celebrities, Sports, Festivals.
Part 6: Schools, Universities & Colleges, Imprisonment, Nemeses, Internet.
Part 7: Doctors & Sexologists, Medicine, Genetics, Obituaries.
Part 8: Fashion, Beauty Pageants, Music, Dance & Performance.
Part 9: Art, Television, Adverts, Theatre, Cinema.
Part 10:  Jargon, News Media, Theses & Studies.
Part 11: Bookshops, Archives, Books.

Doctors & Sexologists 


The American Psychiatric Association issued 2 position statements in August 2012: Comment.
Position Statement on Access to Care for Transgender and Gender Variant Individuals
Therefore, the American Psychiatric Association:
  1. Recognizes that appropriately evaluated transgender and gender variant individuals can benefit greatly from medical and surgical gender transition treatments.
  2. Advocates for removal of barriers to care and supports both public and private health insurance coverage for gender transition treatment.
  3. Opposes categorical exclusions of coverage for such medically necessary treatment when prescribed by a physician.
Position Statement on Discrimination Against Transgender and Gender Variant Individuals
Therefore, the American Psychiatric Association:
  1. Supports laws that protect the civil rights of transgender and gender variant individuals
  2. Urges the repeal of laws and policies that discriminate against transgender and gender variant individuals.
  3. Opposes all public and private discrimination against transgender and gender variant individuals in such areas as health care, employment, housing, public accommodation, education, and licensing.
  4. Declares that no burden of proof of such judgment, capacity, or reliability shall be placed upon these individuals greater than that imposed on any other persons.
Eight surgeries M->F have been done in Baku by Dr Jamal Azimzade at Azn 5,000 each (€ 4,900).

Clinic in Belgrade: Dr Miroslav Djordjevic now doing 100 gender surgeries a year for $10,000.

The NHS gender clinic in Devon has seen a six-fold increase in referrals in six years. Those "who undergo gender change seldom need to access mental health services afterwards, while those who do not have treatment are likely to need psychiatric help throughout their lives. Financially it's a no-brainer".

Iranian news services reported that from 2006-10, 1,366 Iranians acquired permits for sex-change operations. 56% were MtF. To obtain the permit, application must be made to a court, and the case is then forwarded to the state medical office for processing. Iran (75 million population) has an official estimate of 15,000-20,000 transsexuals, although there are unofficial estimates up to 150,000 (=1:500). Iran is second to only Thailand in the number of gender operations. The state has begun providing grants of €2,766 for the operation, and more for hormone therapy. It also provides loans of up to €3,380 for a trans person to start their own business.

Dr Jens Pilegaard Bjarnesen, Copenhagen, removed the breasts of a 15-year-old trans boy in 2011. The Sexologisk Klinik at Rigshospital, which does gender surgery for the national health service, insisted that the boy wait till he be 18. The health agency, Sundhedsvæsnet, has criticized Dr Bjarnesen for completely removing the breast tissue, an irreversible procedure, rather than performing breast reduction surgery, and for not conducting thorough enough psychological and sexological testing.

Dr Christine McGinn was featured in the film Trans, and on the Dr Oz show.

Dr Carys Massarella, McMaster University, Hamilton gives a great lecture.

Robert Spitzer retracted his 2001 study on gay cures. "In retrospect, I have to admit I think the critiques are largely correct," he said. "The findings can be considered evidence for what those who have undergone ex-gay therapy say about it, but nothing more." He said he spoke with the editor [Ken Zucker] of the Archives of Sexual Behavior about writing a retraction, but the editor declined. He did not retract his work pathologizing trans persons.

Sam Winter, Hong Kong University, threatened with losing tenure on becoming 60. He is on the WHO Working group revising ICD-11.

Norman Spack, (more) pediatrician & endocrinologist at the Boston’s Children’s Hospital.

Joel Frader would like to help develop a clinic for transgender children in Chicago.
The Society for Humanistic Psychology called for an independent review of DSM-5.

Dr Qazi Rahman assistant professor in cognitive biology and director of psychology programs at Queen Mary University of London thinks that he has replicated the dubious Bailey results that no men are bi and that all women are.

Dr Brian Grunau, Vancouver, ordered a pregnancy test for a trans man with a stomach ache.

The Canadian Pediatric Endocrine Group endorsed the prognosis that pubertal blockage can safely be initiated in pediatric patients who experience gender identity disorder,

The most detailed biography yet of Harry Benjamin, in 4 parts, by Zagria.

Medicine & Genetics


Living near a busy road may double the risk of autism.

“Male” DNA found in “female” brains.

Eunuchs outlived other men by a significant margin. is a small blog whose feminist author examines the major theories of biological determination of transness and finds each of them to be somewhat lacking.

  • William R. Rice, Urban Friberg & Sergey Gavrilets. "Homosexuality as a Consequence of Epigenetically Canalized Sexual Development". The Quarterly Review of Biology, 87,4, December 2012. Summary. Newsarticle.

The brain differences between conservative and liberal. This is a stronger difference than between cis and trans, or between straight and gay.

  • James Olson. The Whole-Brain Path to Peace: The Role of Right- and Left-Brain Dominance in the Polarization and Reunification of America. San Rafael, Calif: Origin Press, 2011. Newsarticle. "Heterosexual men and lesbians are generally dominated by the left hemisphere of the brain, which is committed to sequential, thought-oriented processes. And heterosexual women and gay men are much more likely to be dominated by the right hemisphere of the brain, which regulates feeling and cultural awareness." A revival of 19th century inversion theory. 

The US Food and Drug Administration admits that approved drugs kill 100,000 a year. More.

"Half a million Americans died and nobody noticed: Was the US drug Vioxx responsible for far more deaths than has been acknowledged so far?"

The toxic venom from the Russell's Pit Viper reverses puberty in 29% of those who survive the bite. But it also causes kidney failure and loss of mental abilities, and most victims die.



Cis persons


Helen Gurley Brown (1922 – 2012) through Cosmopolitan Magazine gave women some of the freedoms that only men had before.

Gore Vidal (1925 - 2012) author of Myra Breckenridge.

Adrienne Rich (more) (1929 – 2012) poet, helped Janice Raymond with The Transsexual Empire.

Ethel Person (1934 – 2012) psychoanalyst, proposed primary and secondary TSs, biographer of Harry Benjamin.

Concetta Finocchio Jorgensen (1941 – 2012) daughter of Joe and Eve Finocchio of Finocchio’s, San Francisco.

Jenni Rivera (1969 – 2012) Mexican-American singer, GLBT ally, in a plane crash.

Killed by a trans person:


Karima Gordon died after Tracey Lynn Garner gave her an illegal butt transplant.

Trial of Padge Windslow (Black Madam) for killing Claudia Aderotimi by silicon butt injection.

Donna Perry, held on an unrelated weapons charge, is now being investigated for the murders of 3 prostitutes in Washington state.

Trans Obituaries – other than being murdered


Guilda (1924 – 2012) performer who settled in Montreal.

Colette Berends (1934 – 2012) Dutch performer, beautician, artist.

Asha Devi (1943 – 2012) Kuala Lumpur matriarch.

Kiira Triea (1951-2012) intersex/HSTS activist, of cancer.

Sarah Kirsch (1970-2012) musician, from Fanconi Anemia.

Kyle Scanlon (? - 2012) Toronto activist, by suicide.

Alexis Rivera (1978 – 2012) San Francisco activist, of complications due to Aids.

Lorena Escala (1987 – 2012) performer of the house of Xtravaganza, died in house fire.

Murdered Trans persons


The Marsha P Johnson murder case has been re-opened,

“There is no safe city — there is no safe state — for transgender people in the United States,” Lisa Mottet, a co-author of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey.

"In a groundbreaking report released by the Presidential Secretariat of Human Rights (SDH-PR) in July,
There were a record total of 6,809 human rights violations against Brazilian LGBTs in 2011, including 278 homicides.
Widely considered to be one of the highest rates of anti-LGBT violence in the world, these figures prompted minimal reaction from members of the Inter-American community who routinely denounce similarly horrendous statistics, such as the outrageously high homicide rates in Venezuela and northern Central America.
Similar to these instances, an overwhelming 27.5% of the victims were between 15 and 29 years old, further surpassed by a dramatically high 50.5% of victims whom identified as transsexual or transgender.
While similar atrocities in the United States, Chile, and other countries throughout the Western Hemisphere have led to the creation of anti-hate crime legislation, no such effort has occurred under the Rousseff administration."

265 murders of trans persons were recorded in 2012, and many more died without being recorded. These are but a small sample.
Suzie Mort (1963 – 2012) Openshaw, Manchester, by couple who then collected her benefits.
Madonna (1973 – 2012) Aracaju, Brazil. Attacked by a group with cobblestones.
Brandy Martell (1975 – 2012) Oakland, California, while sitting in her car by a man who had previously tried to pick her up.
Julia Collier (1977 – 2012) from Russia, murdered by UK husband in Turkey (or maybe not).
Agnes Torres (1983-2012) Mexican activist
Braicy Mejía Valdera (1985 – 2012) in Lima’s prostitution area.
January Marie Lapuz (1986 – 2012) south Asian GLBT activist in Vancouver.
Serap Güneşer (1987 – 2012) sex worker, Antalya.
Tuğçe Şahingün (1988- 2012) murdered in her car in Izmir.
Thapelo Makutle (1988-2012) winner of the Miss Gay Makutle pageant.
JaParker Jones (1989-2012) stabbed by a stranger at a Washington DC bus stop.
Chrissie Azzapardi (1990 – 2012) Finsbury Park.
Coko Williams (? – 2012) East Detroit.
Axel Díaz González (1992 – 2012) beaten and stabbed by group of men in Estelí, Nicaragua.
Donta Gooden (1993 – 2012) Chicago.
Here is the best list of names for November 2011-November 2012:

Note the increase: 162 in 2009
179 in 2010
221 in 2011
265 in 2012
the majority from Brazil (126, 97 in 2011), Mexico (48, 23 in 2011), the USA (15, 9 in 2011), Venezuela (9, down from 14 in 2011), Honduras (8), Colombia (6, down from 19 in 2011), and Argentina (2, down from 9 in 2011), and In Asia most reported cases have been found in Pakistan (5), and the Philippines (4), and Turkey (5). The USA now has the 3rd largest total. Argentina had a very commendable 78% reduction.

Of course most countries did not supply data.

The outrageously bad Wikipedia page called List of unlawfully killed transgender people lists a total of 2 trans persons being killed in each of 2011 and 2012.

And also GLB persons have been murdered.

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