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18 March 2011

Dietrich Graf von Hulsen-Haseler (1852 - 1908) German chief of the military cabinet.

Hulse-Haesler was the son of a Prussian General. At 18 he became a lieutenant in the Grenadiers. He attended the German War College, and was then attached to the General Staff. In 1889 he became chief of the military cabinet for Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany.

He was also an avid ballet dancer and for the pleasure of the court would dance attired as a ballerina.

He organized the cover-up in the Harden-Eulenburg Affair of military and civilian trials where prominent members of the Kaiser's entourage were accused of homosexuality.

This was hardly over when, one night in 1908, he overstrained his heart while doing his ballet act, and he died. The details of his death were kept from the public.
  • Magnus Hirschfeld. Sexual Anomalies: the Origins, Nature, and Treatment of Sexual Disorders Emerson Books. 1948: 166.
  • Modris Eksteins. Rites of Spring: The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age. Boston Houghton Miffin 1989: 88.

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