This site is the most comprehensive on the web devoted to trans history and biography. Well over 1700 persons worthy of note, both famous and obscure, are discussed in detail, and many more are mentioned in passing.

There is a detailed Index arranged by vocation, doctor, activist group etc. There is also a Place Index arranged by City etc. This is still evolving.

In addition to this most articles have one or more labels at the bottom. Click one to go to similar persons. There is a full list of labels at the bottom of the right-hand sidebar. There is also a search box at the top left. Enjoy exploring!

26 October 2014

24 trans persons from Wales/Ireland/Scotland who changed things by example and/or achievement.

  1. Christian Davies (1667 – 1739) soldier from Dublin. EN.WIKIPEDIA
  2. Anne Bonny (1698 – 1782 ) Irish cross-dressing pirate. EN.WIKIPEDIA

  3. Lavinia Edwards (1809 – 1833) Irish actress in London. GVWW
  4. Edward de Lacy Evans (1830 – 1901) from Waterford, labourer and husband in Melbourne. GVWW

  5. John Coulter (1834 – 1884) labourer at Belfast Harbour. GVWW
  6. Murray Hall (1841 – 1901) from Govan, Glasgow. Businessman, Tammany Hall politician in New York. GVWW EN.WIKIPEDIA

  7. Albert Cashier (1844 – 1915) from Clogherhead, County Louth, fought in US Civil War, then labourer in Illinois. GVWW EN.WIKIPEDIA

  8. Raymond Browne-Lecky (1881 – 1961) Warrenpoint, County Down, aristocratic thespian GVWW

  9. Ewan Forbes (1912 – 1991) Aberdeenshire doctor, Baronet and landowner. GWVV EN.WIKIPEDIA
  10. Jan Morris (1926 - ) Pwllheli, Gwynedd journalist, travel writer and historian. GVWW EN.WIKIPEDIA

  11. Alga Campbell (192? - ) from Dublin, co-founder of the Beaumont Society and the one who suggested the name.
  12. Stephanie Anne Booth (1946 - 2016) She and her husband owned Transformation shops, a chain of hotels in North Wales. Stephanie was leader of Llangollen Chamber of Trade and Tourism. Featured on BBC Wales. GVWW EN.WIKIPEDIA

  13. Jo Clifford (1949 - ) major Scottish playwright. GVVV.
  14. Nicole Dolder (195? - ) Edinburgh software engineer, actor, director GVWW.

  15. Rebecca De Havalland (1958 - ) Dublin celebrity hair dresser, model. AMAZON newsarticle

  16. Lydia Foy (1947 - ) dentist in County Kildair, appealed to Supreme Court. GVWW EN.WIKIPEDIA

  17. Louise Hannon (1961 - ) Dublin business development manager awarded more than €35,000 after employment discrimination. Vice-Chair of Transgender Equality Network Ireland. GVWW

  18. Sarah Stafford (1968 - ) farmer in Donegal. GVWW
  19. Martine Cuypers (1970 - ) Chair of Transgender Equality Network Ireland. Also Classics professor at Trinity College, Dublin. GVWW
  20. Orlaith O'Sullivan (197? - ) Dublin editor, writer, Campaigns and Advocacy Manager for Transgender Equality Network Ireland. GVWW  

  21. Panti Bliss (197? - ) from County Mayo, major Dublin drag queen who regularly hosts Dublin Pride and whose January 2014 comments on Irish homophobia went viral. EN.WIKIPEDIA.
  22. Jasmine Goode (1976 - ) burglar from Rhyl, Denbighshire. GVWW

  23. Lauren Harries (1978 - ) from Cardiff, antiques retailer, television personality. GVWW EN.WIKIPEDIA

  24. Broden Giambrone (1982 - ) from Toronto, Chief Executive of Transgender Equality Network Ireland. GVWW

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