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31 August 2014

Haa-Lacka Binttii – musician, composer

Daniel Figgis (1961 - ) is a distinguished Irish musician and composer.

Using the pseudonym Haa-Lacka Binttii, he was drummer and keyboardist with the Dublin band Virgin Prunes 1979-1980.

Haa-Lacka Binttii then founded the band Princess Tinymeat (Kenneth Anger's sizist derogatory term originally aimed at actor Montgomery Clift). Princess Tinymeat released several singles, mostly of the 12" format, and in 1986 a retrospective album called Herstory.

Binttii/Tinymeat played with femme/trans imagery and on this basis gets listed amongst trans musicians.

However Figgis reverted to his male name for all subsequent work, and his biography on mentions neither Virgin Prunes nor Princess Tinymeat.   Last.FM   Discogs

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