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20 June 2009

Tammy Novak (1951 - ) performer.

Tammy was one of only a few favored patron who were permitted into the Stonewall Tavern in female clothing, having lived with Fat Tony and Chuck Shaheen who ran the place.

She persuaded Sylvia Rivera to come down to the Stonewall on June 28, 1969. During that night’s riot, she was arrested and put in the paddy wagon, but escaped in the confusion, and ran to Joe Tish’s apartment where she holed up for the weekend.

*Not the gynecologist, and not the performer at the 82 Club.
  • Martin B Duberman. Stonewall.  Dutton, 1993.  Plume, 1994: 188,191,192,196,197.
  • Jayne County with Rupert Smith. Man Enough to be a Woman.  Serpent's Tail, 1995: 46.
  • David Carter. Stonewall : the riots that sparked the gay revolution. St. Martin's Press 2004.  Griffin 2005: 75, 149, 293n54.

Nothing seems to be recorded about what happened to this Tammy after 1969.


  1. Just a reminder, Zagria, that I so appreciate all of the research you do. I read them all.

  2. Charles of New York has written to me to point out that there were two Tammy Novaks in New York at the of the 1960s/early 1970s. The younger Tammy was at Stonewall. The older was a performer at 82 Club. While this article was about the younger, the photograph that I had had attached was of the other. Hence I have removed it.


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