
She organized gay events, and was director of the Circolo di cultura omosessuale Mario Mieli in 1993. She was a major person in organizing Italy’s first gay pride festival in 1994.
She was elected to Parliament as the Communist Refoundation member for

Vladimir published her autobiography, Chi ha paura della Muccassasina? in 2007, and her first novel, Eldorado, 2013, about an Italian travesti working in the Berlin nightclub of that name at the time of the Nazi takeover.
Cena alle nove (1991)
Come mi vuoi (1996)
Tutti giù per terra (1996)
Sono positivo (1998)
La vespa e la regina (1999)
Guardami (1999)
Ponte Milvio (1999)
Ogni lasciato è perso (2000)
Mater Natura (2005)
- Eugenia Romanelli. Vladimir Luxuria: una storia. Roma: Cooper & Castelvecchi 2002.
- Vladimir Luxuria. Chi ha paura della Muccassassina?: il mio mondo in discoteca e viceversa. Milano: Bompiani, 2007.
- VladimirLuxuria. Eldorado. Milano: Bompiani, 2011.
- www.vladimirluxuria.it.
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