There has never been a comprehensive bibliography of writings by Harry Benjamin. I did a partial in previous writings, and found partial bibliographies in Bullough, Legg et al., and Wikipedia, Richard Ekins and Alison Li. In addition I found more publications in Google Scholar, and elsewhere.
Anwendung des Antifirminverfahrens fur den Tuberkelbazillennachweis. MD dissertation, Eberhard-Karl-Universitat, Tubingen.
Introduction to Paul Kammerer. Rejuvenation and the Prolongation of Human Efficiency. Experiences with the Steinach-Operation on Man and Animals. Boni and Liveright.
“The Steinach Method as Applied to Women: Preliminary Report”. New York Medical Journal and Medical Record, 18.
“New Clinical Aspects of the Steinach Operation”. Medical Journal and Record, 21, November.
“The Control of Old Age; with Special Reference to Gonadal Therapy”. American Medicine, 22, June.
“The Reactivation of Women”. Read by Peter Schmidt (in Benjamin’s absence) at the 1929 Sexual Reform Congress in London, and published 1930 in the Proceedings thereof.
“ Das männliche Sexualhomon”. Read in his absence at the 1930 Sexual Reform Congress in Vienna, and published 1931 in the Proceedings thereof.
“For the Sake of Morality” Medical Journal and Record, 15, April.
“The Male Hormone: A Summary of Laboratory and Clinical Experiences”. Presented at the Sacramento County Medical Society, 21 November.
The Winter of our Discontent. A book - never published. An account of glandular reactivation, mixed with advice on how to age gracefully, and with autobiography.
The Sex Problem and the Armed Forces. Publisher not recorded,
"A contribution to the endocrine aspect of the impotence problem; a report of thirty-nine cases". Urologic and Cutaneous Review. 50: 139–43.
“Eugene Steinach, 1861-1944: A Life of Research”. Scientific Monthly, 61, December.
"Endocrinology in the aged". Interne. 12, July: 465–9.
“Endocrine gerontotherapy. The use of steroid hormone combinations in male patients”. Journal of Insurance Medicine, 6, 1.
“A contribution to the endocrine aspect of the impotence problem; a report of thirty-nine cases”. Urologic and Cutaneous Review, 30, March: 139-43.
“A case of of fatal air embolism through an unusual sexual act (medical and legal implications)”.Journal of Clinical and Experimental Psychopathology, 7: 815-20.
review of Roy G Hoskins, The Biology of Schizophrenia. W W Norton, in American Journal of Psychotherapy, 1, 4.
"Biologic versus chronologic age". Journal of Gerontology. 2, 3, July: 217–27.
“The Mental Hygiene of Aging”. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 1, 1: 122-123.
“Introduction to the Second Printing” in René Guyon. The Ethics of Sexual Acts. Alfred A Knopf.
review of Lee Van Dovski. Genie und Eros. Delphi-Verlag, 1947, in American Journal of Psychotherapy, 2, 1.
review of Edward J Stieglitz. The Second 40 Years. J B Lippincott, 1947, in American Journal of Psychotherapy, 2, 2.
review of The Kinsey Report, in American Journal of Psychotherapy, 2, 3: 398.
"Endocrine gerontotherapy; the use of sex hormone combinations in female patients". Journal of Gerontology. 4, 3, July: 222–33.
"Two years of sexology". American Journal of Psychotherapy. 3, 3, July: 419–27.
"Outline of a method to estimate the biological age with special reference to the role of the sexual functions". International Journal of Sexology. 3, 1, August: 34–7.
review of George W Henry. Sex Variants: A Study of Homosexual Patterns. Paul B Hoeber, Inc., in American Journal of Psychotherapy. 3, 3, July: 477-8.
"Endocrine Gerontotherapy The Use of Sex Hormone Combinations in Female Patients." Journal of Gerontology 4, 3, 1949: 222-233.
"Endocrine gerontotherapy. The use of steroid hormone combinations in male patients". Journal Insurance Medicine. 6, 1: 12–7.
“A Humane Necessity” The Nation, 28 January.
review of Arthur Wormhoudt. The Demon Lover. The Exposition Press, American Journal of Psychotherapy, 4, 2.
review of E Elkan. “Sex Guidance in Sweden”. International Journal of Sexology, 3, 2, 1949, in American Journal of Psychotherapy, 4, 2.
review of Gertrud Isolani. Der Doner. Helios Verlag, 1949, in American Journal of Psychotherapy, 4, 1: 546-8.
“Prostitution Re-assessed”. International Journal of Sexology, 4,3.
“Meaning and Content of Sexual Perversions”, American Journal of Psychotherapy, 5, 1.
“Sex and You”, American Journal of Psychotherapy, 5, 2
“Problems of old age and their treatment”. Journal of Dental Medicine, 6, 3, July: 79-87.
review of George Sylvester Viereck writing as Stuart Benton. All Things Human. Sheridan House, 1949, American Journal of Psychotherapy, 5, 3.
review of Fred Brown & Rudolf T Kempton. Sex: Questions and Answers. A Guide to Happy Marriage. Whittlesey House, 1950, American Journal of Psychotherapy, 5, 4.
review of Albert Ellis. The Folklore of Sex. Charles Boni, 1951. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 6, 1.
review of Donald Webster Cory. The Homosexual in America. Greenberg, 1951, American Journal of Psychotherapy, 6, 2.
Transvestism and Transsexualism”. International Journal of Sexology, 7, 1, August: 12-14. Reprinted in One Institute Quarterly, 1, 3, Fall 1958: 102-4.
"Transsexualism and transvestism as psychosomatic and somatopsychic syndromes". A paper given at the Association for the Advancement of Psychotherapy December 1953, and published in American Journal of Psychotherapy April 1954, 8, 2:219-30. Reprinted in Transvestia #6, November 1960.
review of Frank Caprio. The Sexually Adequate Male. The Citadel Press, 1952, American Journal of Psychotherapy, 7, 3.
with Albert Ellis. “An Objective Examination of Prostitution”. International Journal of Sexology. 8, 2.
review of Albert Ellis. The American Sexual Tragedy. Twayne Publishers, in American Journal of Psychotherapy, 8, 3.
“Beiheft zur Schweizerischen Zeitschrift für Psychologie und ihre Anwendungen”. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 9, 1.
“Sex Transformation”. Letter to Editor. Journal of the American Medical Association, 158, 3, May 21: 217.
preamble to C.V. Prince.“Homosexuality, Transvestism and Transsexuality: Reflections on Their Etiology and Differentiations”. The American Journal of Psychotherapy, 11, 1957: 80-5. Reprinted in Richard Ekins & Dave King (eds) Virginia Prince: Pioneer of Transgendering. The Haworth Medical Press, 2005: 17-20 and the International Journal of Transgenderism, 8,4, 2005: 17-20., and in Transvestia # 2, March 1960.
“In Time--We Must Accept”. Mattachine Review, 1957.
"Transvestism and transsexualism," International Journal of Sexology, 7:1, 12-14, Aug 1953; reprinted in ONE Institute Quarterly 1:3, Fall,102-104.
"What is adjustment?," Mattachine Review 5, 7, July, 9-11, Jul 1959.
"Transsexualism and transvestism as psycho-somatic and somato-psychic syndromes," Mattachine Review 7:1, 12-23, Jan 1961.
“Sex Censorship in Medicine”. Transvestia # 12, December 1961. An introduction to an autobiographical account by a patient. Previously published in Sex and Censorship.
“7 Kinds of Sex”. Sexology, 27,7, February 1961. Reprinted in Transvestia #22, August 1963, and revised as “The Symphony of Sexes”, Chp 1 of The Transsexual Phenomenon, 1966.
Introduction to Robert E.L. Masters. Forbidden Sexual Behavior and Morality: An Objective Re-Examination of Perverse Sex Practices in Different Cultures. Julian Press.
“The Role of the Physician in the Sex Problems of the Aged”. Advances in Sex Research, 1,October: 143-150.
"Advice to a male transsexual," Photocopy. April, 1963: 4.
Reply to "I want to change my sex," Sexology 30:5, Dec: 292-295; reprinted in Transvestia, 24, Dec : 68-71, and in The Transsexual Phenomenon, (1977 paperback: 132-6/61-3).
"Nature and management of transsexualism, with a report on Thirty-One operated cases". Western Journal of Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology. 72, Mar/Apr: 105–11.
"Clinical aspects of transsexualism in the male and female." American Journal of Psychothery 18, 3:458-467.
“Sex and the Single Man”. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 18, 3.
"Transsexualismus, Wesen und Behandlung". Nervenarzt. 35, November: 499–500.
with Robert E.L. Masters. “A New Kind of Prostitute”. Sexology, 27, 7, February.
with Robert E.L. Masters, Prostitution and Morality: a Definitive Report on the Prostitute in Contemporary Society and an Analysis of the Causes and Effects of the Suppression of Prostitution. Julian Press.
“The Pathology and Treatment of Sexual Deviation: A Methodological Approach”. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 19, 3.
"Sexual problems at the consultation hour of the general practitioner". Landarzt. 42, 20, July: 885–90.
The Transsexual Phenomenon. Julian Press, 1966.
Introduction to Christine Jorgensen; A Personal Autobiography. Paul S Eriksson.
“The Transsexual Phenomenon; a Scientific Report on Transsexualism and Sex Conversion in the Human Male and Female”. Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences. 29 February (4 Series II): 428–30.
“Comment on Doe, J.C. Autobiography of a Transsexual (10 Years as a Woman)”, Diseases of the Nervous System (Suppl.) 28, April: 251-5.
“Transvestism and Transsexualism in the Male and Female”. Journal of Sex Research 3: 107–27.
"Comments to E. Sagarin's Article". The Journal of Sex Research, 4,2, May 1968: 95.
"Newer aspects of the Transsexual Phenomenon," Journal of Sex Research, 5:2, May: 135-144.
“Introduction” in Richard Green & Money (eds). Transsexualism and Sex-Reassignment. The Johns Hopkins Press:1-10.
“Appendix to Chapter 20 – For the Practicing Physician: Suggestions and Guidelines for the Management of Transsexuals”, in Richard Green & Money (eds). Transsexualism and Sex-Reassignment. The Johns Hopkins Press: 305–7.
“Reminiscences”. 12th Annual Conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex, November 1st, 1969. Printed in Journal of Sex Research, 6,1, February 1970.
with Ira Pauly. “The Maturing Science of Sex Reassignment”, Saturday Review 52: 72–8.
"The nature and treatment of transsexualism," Medical Opinion and Review 6, Nov: 24-30, 31-35.
"Should surgery be performed on transsexuals?" Presented at the 230th Scientific Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Psychotherapy, 19 March 1970. Printed in American Journal of Psychotherapy. 25, 1, 1971: 74–82.
with Charles L Ihlenfeld. ‘The Nature and Treatment of Transsexualism’, Medical Opinion and Review, 6, 11: 24–35.
“The Silent Majority of Transsexuals”. transaction, 8, 12. Letter in reply to article implying that most trans women are sex workers.
with Charles L Ihlenfeld. "Transsexualism," American Journal of Nursing, 73, March :457-461.
“In Re: Trans(s)exualism”. The Journal of Sex Research, 10, 2, May:173-5.
The Transsexual Phenomenon. Warner Books Edition (paperback with the previously missing photographs) 1977. . . .
Foreward to Mario Martino with harriett - Emergence: a Transsexual Autobiography. A Signet Book.
“Response”. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 7,4.
interview with Garrett Oppenheim. “Sex Change: Do the Benefits Last?” Transition, 10: 1, 12, 14–15.
interview with Erwin J. Haeberle. “The Transatlantic Commuter”. Sexualmedizin, 14,1, January. .
interviews with Ethel Spector Person. “Harry Benjamin and the Birth of a Shared Cultural Fantasy” in The Sexual Century. Yale University Press, 1999: 347-366.
Darryl B Hill. “Dear Doctor Benjamin: Letters from Transsexual Youth (1963–1976)”. International Journal of Transgenderism, 10, 4, 2008.
Compiled from:
Vern L Bullough, W Dorr Legg, Barrett E Elcano & James Kepner. “Transvestism and Transsexualism” in An Annotated Bibliography of Homosexuality, Volume II. Garland Publishing, Ins., 1976.
Richard Ekins. “Science, Politics and Clinical Intervention: Harry Benjamin, Transsexualism and the Problem of Heteronormativity”. Sexualities, 8,3, 2005: 306-28.
“Harry Benjamin”.
Zagria. bibliography in “Harry Benjamin. Part 4: transsexualism since 1966” GVWW, 11 October 2012. .
Zagria. “Harry Benjamin in Transvestia Magazine”. GVWW, 01 December 2022. .
Alison Li. “Bibliography” in Wondrous Transformations:A Maverick Physician, the Science of Hormones, and the Birth of the Transgender Revolution. University of North Carolina Press, 2023.
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