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13 April 2022

Sex Change in 1958 England (part 1)

 There were more stories of trans persons in the press in 1958 than one might suppose.   The word 'transsexual' was not yet in use, and they were generally referred to as 'sex changes'.

Roberta Betty Cowell

Britain’s most famous sex change was in the news twice

20 June in The Daily Herald

and then 13 October in the Civil & Military Gazette

Micheal Dillon

was featured in the Sunday Express 11 May, but surprisingly not in its competitors, although the story went on to attract world-wide interest.

Jonathan Furguson

He completed transition and was upped to the male pay scale.  This in the Daily Herald, 13 January.

Victoria Dolling


Divorce trial established that transition is not cruelty to one's spouse.  Manchester Evening News, 22 May.

Donald Purcell


Donald had been in the press in 1938 when he transitioned with surgery at Charing Cross Hospital.  In 1958 he died age 44.  This is the Manchester Evening News 27 January.

More in Part 2.

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