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13 November 2014

Rafalala (1982–) artist, activist

Rafalala, from Siedlce, has become one of Poland's most famous transsexuals, appearing in her own theatre revue and writing a popular blog. Her name is "Rafal", her official name and 'lala'='dolly.

In 2007 she was featured in the documentary film, I bóg stworzył transwestytę. During the elections that year, she arrived at the polling station, accompanied by German and Polish camera crews, but because of the male-looking photograph on her identity documents, she was not allowed to vote. This led to a debate in the Polish media on identity and sex.

Later she was featured in the media when she met with a letting agent to complete a pre-arranged lease, and he refused to let her have the apartment.

In August 2014, she was invited on Polsat news along with Artur Zawisza, the leader of the right-wing Ruch Narodowy (National Movement). Zawisza referred to her as 'it', 'that thing' and 'male whore'. Rafalala retorted with “You, sir, are a stupid man who lies on the air”, and finally, as he would not stop his insults, poured water on him, after which he left the studio.
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