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08 July 2014

Harry Sidney Foy (1901 – 1942) barman, female impersonator.

Harry Foy was born in Sydney, NSW. The son of a horse-trainer, Harry worked as a barman, but at night he was Sydney’s best-known female impersonator after Lea Sonia died.

He had appeared at various venues in Sydney since the mid 1920s. He often performed at the Ziegfeld Club where in semi-drag he flirted with the customers. A visiting US sailor, John Williams, took offence and struck him in the mouth. He fell and never recovered consciousness. Williams was charged with manslaughter, released on £40 bail, handed over to the US shore patrol and never seen again.
  • Daily Telegraph (Sydney), 25 Dec 1942: 5.
  • Truth (Sydney), 3 Jan 1943: 7.
  • Sunday Telegraph (Sydney), 3 Jan 1943:18 .
  • Garry C. Wotherspoon. 'Foy, Harry Sidney (1901 - 1942)'. Australian Dictionary of Biography, Supplementary Volume. Melbourne University Press, 2005, p. 134.

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