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16 July 2012

Monika Strub (1975 - ) nurse, photographer, political candidate.

Horst Strub, grew up in EmmendingenBaden-Württemberg.   He had been fostered as a child, and was an outsider, but grew up to be a nurse and a photographer. He was a member of the neo-Nazi Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands 2000-2. In retrospect, Strub claims not to have understood their platform, and joined because he was accepted.

Strub then became Monika. She actually found less acceptance from her fellow nurses, than from the NPD.

She later joined and became a candidate for the Linkespartei (which is to the left of the Social Democrats). She has been threatened by her former NPD associates several times, and her door and windows were covered by NPD stickers.

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