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29 November 2010

William Stoffler (192?–?) stock broker, showgirl.

In the late 1940s, William Stoffler was a San Francisco stockbroker. Noted for his good looks, he was married to Helen, who was very suspicious.

Unknown to his wife, Stoffler was a transvestite performer and a dancer at Finocchio's, from where his female persona was dating millionaire Howard Hughes (See also Pussy Katt). Helen followed her husband one night and found out about his private life.

She filed for divorce, her private detective discovered Hughes' involvement, and she was to cite him in her divorce petition.. A minion of Hughes made considerable payments to both parties to keep his name unmentioned. Hughes also discontinued the affair.
  • Darwin Porter. Howard Hughes, Hell’s Angel: America’s Notorious Bisexual Billionaire, The Secret Life of the U.S. Emperor. New York: Blood Moon Productions 2005: 733-4.

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