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28 January 2015

Felicia Garza (1941 - ) musician

Felipe Gil was born in San Antonio, Texas. He moved to Mexico and pioneered rock music in Spanish under the name Fabricio. He was in the film Buenos días, Acapulco, 1964, playing himself.

After a few years in Argentina, he returned to Mexico and worked in television. In 1975 he wrote the OTI Festival winning song "La Felicidad" performed by Gualberto Castro (video). This led to other songs performed by Mexican singing stars.

Since 1983 Gil has been on the executive of the Society of Authors and Composers of Mexico (SACM), and from 2007 was Vice President.

In 2014, at age 73, father of 6 children, grandfather of 11 and great-grandfather of 2, Gil announced that she was transgender, and took the name Felicia Garza (from the 1975 hit, and her mother's family name).


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