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25 January 2015

Mimi Juareza (1975 - ) actress, performer.

After her father's death in the 1990s, Filipino Juarez was the family breadwinner and did drag shows in Japan, and started taking female hormones. She continued performing on returning to Manila.

Mimi was included in Janice Villarosa's documentary Shunned about Philippino trans women, but that film was shown only at film festivals.

Following that she was chosen for the lead role in Quick Change, 2013, as a trans woman who makes a living injecting other trans women with silicone, but is traumatized when her boyfriend leaves her for a younger trans woman. Director Eduardo Roy Jr. commented: “Luckily, he was a good actor to begin with. We only had a two-day workshop before the shoot”.

At the 2014 Cinemalaya Independent Film Festival, Mimi won the Best Actor award. She took this in good grace and when asked if she had wanted to win the Best Actress award instead: “Best actor, best actress … whatever, for as long as they show their appreciation for my work, I don’t mind".

She has since been in South Korea filming a romantic comedy Seoul Mates, where she plays a Filipino trans who goes to Korea to see her boyfriend, but finds that he has a new life.
IMDB      WikiPilipinas(Quick Change)


It is depressing that the Philippino news sources and the Cinemalaya Independent Film Festival insist on addressing Mimi as 'he'.   Of particular concern is the director Eduardo Roy Jr who researched trans lives and wrote the script.   He must know better, but insists on male pronouns.

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