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27 September 2014

Martine Cuypers (1970–) lecturer.

Cuypers studied Classics at Leiden University and gained a PhD there in 1997, and then worked as a lecturer and research fellow in Hamburg, Leiden, Groningen, Chicago and Washington D.C. before joining Trinity College, Dublin in 2005 as lecturer in Greek.

She was Chair of Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI) from 2010.

In February 2011 the Irish Sun featured the "world exclusive" revelation of Dr Cuypers gender history on its front page, "Trinity's Sex Swap Prof" as if it were news.
  • Annette Harder & Martine Cuypers. Beginning from Apollo: studies in Apollonius Rhodius and the Argonautic tradition. Leuven, Belgium: Peeters, 2005.
  • James Joseph Clauss & Martine Cuypers. A Companion to Hellenistic Literature. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
  • "Trinity's Sex Swap Prof". The Irish Sun, 2 February 2011.
  • "Irish Tabloid outs trans woman",, February 3rd, 2011.
  • Dr Martine Cuypers. "TENI wins Parade Award at Dublin Pride". Transgender Equality Network Ireland, 02 Jul 2012.

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