woman on and off stage, and the producers said nothing. When it later came out that Cris Miró was not a woman, Cris became the first Argentinian travesti to become a star.
Cris was in the 1991 film, Dios los cría, and La peste, 1992. He was tempted to work in Spain, when he was cast again in a show at the Maipo theatre.
In 1997 he developed medical problems, and he died aged 31.
- “Murió Cris Miró, una figura de la revista”. Clarin, 02.06.1999. http://edant.clarin.com/diario/1999/06/02/e-03801d.htm.
- “Murió Cris Miró, una figura controvertida”. La Nacion, 02 de junio de 1999. www.lanacion.com.ar/140658-murio-cris-miro-una-figura-controvertida.
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