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28 August 2012

Willibald von Sadler-Grün (18?? - 19??) performer, aristocrat.

Willibald von Sadler-Grün was a Baltic German aristocrat and was associated with Magnus Hirschfield's Wissenschaftlich-humanitäres Komitee before the Great War. He was a noted transvestite, and with Herman von Teschenberg was photographed en femme for the Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen.

Sadler-Grün performed on stage, often under the name Urany Verde, and made a tour of Germany. He usually performed in the role of either a queen or a princess, and sang soprano as well as baritone.

  • W.S. "Vom Weibmann auf der Bühne. Eine Studie"(Women on Stage).  Jahrbücher für sexuelle Zwischenstufen, 1901.
  • Iwan Bloch. The Sexual Life of Our Time In Its Relations to Modern Civilization. London: Heinemann, 1908: 500.
  • C.J. Bulliet.  Venus Castina : famous female impersonators, celestial and human.  Bonanza Books, 1928: 129.
  • Bernd-Ulrich Hergemöller. “Sadler-Grün, Willibald von”. Mann für Mann: biographisches Lexikon zur Geschichte von Freundesliebe und mannmännlicher Sexualität im deutschen Sprachraum. 1, A - Ras. Münster [u.a.]: Lit-Verl, 2010: 602-3. 
  • Robert Beachy.  Gay Berlin: Birthplace of a Modern Identity.  Alfred A Knoff, 2014: 61. 

Grün is German for green, Verde is Spanish for green.  Urany Verde is Green Uranian.  Uranian is the anglicization of Ulrich's Urning.

I have found no mention indicating that Willibad survived the First World War.

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