This site is the most comprehensive on the web devoted to trans history and biography. Well over 1700 persons worthy of note, both famous and obscure, are discussed in detail, and many more are mentioned in passing.

There is a detailed Index arranged by vocation, doctor, activist group etc. There is also a Place Index arranged by City etc. This is still evolving.

In addition to this most articles have one or more labels at the bottom. Click one to go to similar persons. There is a full list of labels at the bottom of the right-hand sidebar. There is also a search box at the top left. Enjoy exploring!

27 February 2017

13 trans persons in New Zealand/Aotearoa who changed things by example and/or achievement.

  • Harold Gillies (1882 – 1960) from Dunedin, New Zealand. Organized and performed plastic surgery for Allied troops in WWI and WWII. Performed pioneering transgender surgery on Michael Dillon and Betty Cowell. GVWW.
  • Patrick Clarkson (1911 – 1969) from Christchurch, New Zealand, appointed to Guys Hospital, London. Performed corrective surgery on Georgina Somerset in 1957. GVWW.
  • John Money (1921 – 2006) moved to Johns Hopkins in the US, did pioneering work with intersex persons, co-founder of Gender Identity Clinic, his treatment of David Reimer became a scandal.   Biography   EN.Wikipedia
  • Russell Reid (1943 - ) trained at Otago University, became a consultant at Charing Cross Hospital Gender Identity Clinic. Eased the path of hundreds of trans person. GVWW EN.Wikipedia
  • Peter Walker (1942 - ) NZ’s only sex-change surgeon did 61 transgender operations. GVWW   Newsarticle

  1. Peter Stratford (? - 1929) writer, Sufi, moved to US in 1904. GVWW
  2. Matene (190? - ?) Maori trapeze artist GVWW
  3. John Thorp (1927 - ) British physicist immigrant. Book   Smashwords   

  4. Noel McKay (193? - 2004) menswear retailer, performer in Auckland GVWW
  5. Carmen Rupe (1935 – 2011) Nagti Maniopoto Maori, performer in Sydney, mayoral candidate in Wellington. GVWW   
  6. Richard O'Brien (1942 - ) playwright, actor, musician, author of Rocky Horror Show. GVWW EN.Wikipedia.  
  7. Jacquie Grant (1943 - ) Australian in NZ, sailor, nightclub owner, councillor, foster mother. GVWW    
  8. Liz Roberts (1943 - ) couturier, 1969 surgery. Book   
  9. Joanne Proctor (1947 – 2011) from Kaikoura, crane driver, HBS activist. GVWW  
  10. Racheal McGonigal (1955 - ) farmer, businessman, sex worker. GVWW   
  11. Georgina Beyer (1957 - ) Māori mayor of Carterton, Labour MP, actress. GVWW    EN.Wikipedia  
  12. Gareth Farr (1968 - ) musician, performer. GVWW   EN.Wikipedia  
  13. Ramon Te Wake (1976 - ) Māori musician and broadcaster. GVWW   EN.Wikipedia  

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