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01 June 2015

20 trans Londoners who changed things by example or achievement

There is a separate listing for the Rest of England.  See also Wales/Scotland/Ireland.

London, of course, was the home of the first Gender Identity Clinic at Charing Cross Hospital, supplemented by specialist consultants on Harley Street and nearby.

  1. Harold Gillies (1882 – 1960) pioneer plastic surgeon who did one ftm and one mtf surgery 1942-6. GVWW   Wikipedia
  2. Lennox Broster (1888 – 1965) pioneer surgery on 100s of CAH and other intersex in 1930s and later  GVWW   Wikipedia
  3. Norman Haire (1892 – 1952) sexologist, colleague of Hirschfeld GVWW   Book
  4. Patrick Clarkson (1911 – 1969) colleague of Gillies, surgery on Georgina Somerset. GVWW   Plarr
  5. John Randell (1918 – 1982) at Charing Cross from 1950 till his death, MD thesis on TSs 1960. GVWW    GenderOrg
  6. James Dalrymple (1931 - 2014) surgeon, worked with Russell Reid. GVWW  
  7. Russell Reid (1943 - ) consultant at Charing Cross from 1982, 2004-7 he was referred to General Medical Council and sued for giving patients what they requested. GVWW   Wikipedia
  8. James Bellringer (1958 - ) worked previously with Charing Cross. TSSurgeryGuide   TGBoards
  9. Richard Curtis (196? - ) trans himself, took over Russell Reid's private practice. Transhealth   Guardian
  1. Robert Allen (1914 - ?) birth certificate amended 1944, worked in film industry, radiologist, 1st ftm autobiograpy.  GVWW      Book  

  2. Betty Cowell (1918 – 2011) motor racer, pilot, 1st mtf autobiography. GVWW    TGZone 
  3. Bobbie Kimber (1918 – 1993) ventriloquist. GVWW    Travalanche   

  4. Charlotte Bach (1920 – 1981) hypnotherapist, fraudster, theorist. GVWW    Book  

  5. Della Aleksander (192? - 2002) school teacher, organized pioneering gender conferences in 1974/5, and BBC program on transsexuals 1974. GVWW 

  6. Stella Minge (192? - ?) ran the last ever Molly House, in Newham, London in the 1950s and 1960s. GVWW
  7. Gladys Shufflewick (1924 – 1983) drag performer from 1950s who stayed in character offstage and later GLF legend. GVWW    Review  

  8. Ron Storme (1926 – 2000) performer, organizer of drag balls. GVWW     Obituary  

  9. Gloria Greaves (1933 - ) sex worker, convicted of a crime that only a man can commit, and sent to a female prison. GVWW
  10. Yvonne Sinclair (1934 – 2013) activist, ran TV/TS Group 1976-88. GVWW    Website 

  11. Dee Palmer (1937 - ) keyboardist in Jethro Tull, GVWW    Wikipedia  

  12. Rachael Webb (1940 – 2009) lorry driver, Labour councillor in Lambeth. GVWW   

  13. Sonia Burgess (1947 – 2010) lawyer working with trans and immigrants, killed by a client. GVWW  Whittlings  

  14. Letitia Winter/Fay Presto (1948 - ) magician, Press for Change. GVWW    Wikipedia    

  15. Roz Kaveney (1949 - ) GLF, writer, editor, activist. GVWW   Website  
  16. Kellie Maloney (1953 - ) boxing promoter, UKIP candidate  Wikipedia   
  17. Stella Nova (1960 – 2010) musician GVWW   Wikipedia 

  18. Alex Silverfish (1965 – 2008) techno DJ GVWW   Skrufff 

  19. Miranda Yardley (1967 - ) accountant, music magazine publisher, GVWW    Blog 

  20. Nikki Sinclaire (1968 - ) UKIP and later independent MEP. GVWW    Wikipedia  

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