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10 December 2015

Some Events of 2015: Part 4: Politics & Government, Celebrities, Sports

Part 1: Organizations & Activists, Equal marriage, Other Legislation.
Part 2: Persons, Changebacks
Part 3: Marriage, Lovers and Family, Trans Kids
Part 4: Politics & Government, Celebrities, Sports
Part 5: Schools, Universities & Colleges, Military, Cops & Firefighters, Conviction & Imprisonment, Homeless Shelters, US TSA, Nemeses
Part 6: Doctors & Sexologists, Medicine, Genetics, Legal, Deaths
Part 7: Autogynephilia, Drag, Butch, Dress Reform, Homeogender Surgeries, Fashion, Beauty Pageants, Music & Performance
Part 8: Internet, Art, Radio, Television, Adverts, Pornography, Theatre, Cinema
Part 9: Jargon, News Media, Journal Articles & Studies
Part 10: Archives & History, Books.

Politics & Government



Belgian Senator Petra De Sutter spoke to the Council of Europe on its Trans Resolution.

Maria Clara de Sena, 36, Pernambuco, works for the UN Subcommittee for the Preventions of Torture.


Amanda Simpson, previously the executive director of the U.S. Army Office of Energy Initiatives, is now US deputy assistant secretary of defense for operational energy.

Anna Grodzka lost her seat in the Polish elections, as did all members of the two left-wing parties. New Statesman interview.

Charlie Kiss, 49, Green candidate in Islington South and Finsbury.

Deva Özenen ran for the Turkish Parliament.

Emily Brothers, 50, blind, parent of 2, Labour Candidate in Sutton and Cheam.

Daya Rani, several times Parliamentary candidate in Uttar Pradesh, murdered.

Jennifer McCreath, Strength in Democracy Candidate, Avalon, Newfoundland.

Júlia Mendes Pereira, on the National Board of Bloco de Esquerda (Left Bloc), Number 8 in the list for constituency of Setúbal. More

Mike Honda, US Democratric Representative for Silicon Valley, is a proud grandfather of a trans girl.

Raffi Freedman-Gurspan, 28, Outreach and Recruitment Director for Presidential Personnel in the White House Office of US Presidential Personnel.

Rummie Quintero, was expecting to run for the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV Chavismo) but was excluded. She said in March: “You should consider yourselves citizens, because we have six laws that recognize the principle of no discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression….but we need to rise to these laws, because without [our participation], they are dead words. The state alone cannot be responsible.”

Stella Gardiner, 48, with Aspergers Syndrome, Green Candidate in Bexleyheath and Crayford.

Symmy Larrat, general coordinator for the Promotion of LGBT Rights of the Brazilian Secretariat for Human Rights.

Tamara Adrian elected to the National Assembly for Caracas on behalf of Voluntad Popular, but was forced to do so under her male name. She is criticized: “her ties to Venezuela's aristocratic and right-wing circles have isolated her from the majority of the country's grassroots activists.'

Zoe O'Connell, Liberal Democrat candidate for Maldon Essex, also Secretary of LGBT+Liberal Democrats.


Stacie Laughton, 31, New Hampshire, elected to state House of Representatives in 2012, but didn't take seat because found that she was a convicted felon, was arrested again following a bomb threat to hospital.

Janice Covington, 67, North Carolina politician.

Aishwarya Rutuparna Pradhan, 32, Odisha Financial Department has transitioned.

Cities, towns and regions 


    Diana Barrios Sanchez, 40, ran in Mexico City.

    Dylan Orr, 36, previously chief of staff at the US federal Office of Disability Employment Policy, was appointed to direct Seattle's Office of Labor Standards to oversee implementation of Seattle’s $15-an-hour minimum wage law.

    Lorenas Arenas, Soledad, Atlantico, Colombia, director of the Oficina para la Atención de la Comunidad LGBTI

    Madhu Kinnar elected mayor in Chhattisgarh’s Raigarh Municipal Corporation by 4357 votes.

    Osh Gantly, Labour Councillor, Islington, London, became the borough’s first dedicated Mental Health Champion.

    Pervez Khan ran for a women-reserved seat in Haripur, Pakistan. She was previously on the council 2001-5.

    Diti and Seema, running for reserved women councillor posts in Kolaroa and Bagharpara municipalities, Bangladesh.

    Stu Rasmussen completed 6 years as mayor of Silverton, Oregon.

    Jackie Ryan, Sturbridge, Massachesetts, elected to school board.


    Caitlyn Jenner, who liked being a husband and father so much that it was done two more times, and early in 2015 was involved in a vehicular incident that left a woman dead, has become known for the quote: “The hardest part about being a woman is figuring out what to wear”. She has set an excellent example of how to transition if you have $100 million, and have lots of media contacts. She is reported to have spent $70,000 on facial feminization (and perhaps a total of $4 million to transition), has been given an extensive collection of clothing by fashion designers, was paid $5 million for the television show I am Cait. Jenner has been quoted: “I’m not doing it for money. I’m doing it to help my soul and help other people”. She has been given awards by organizations that apparently know nothing about being trans. She has assured us that she will vote for the US Republican Party, all of whose candidates are determined to roll back trans rights.
                Comments: Lasha    Rose McGowan    Genesis P Orridge    Erin Nugent     Kay Brown: “There are lots of transfolks who should be called heroes. Bruce Jenner is not one of them.” (This was one of Kay's best essays. Why has it been taken down?)

    Camille Paglia on Reason TV: On Roda Viva television in Brazil. “Sex reassignment surgery, even today with all of its advances, cannot in fact change anyone's sex. You can define yourself as a trans-man, or a trans-woman, as one of these new gradations along the scale, but ultimately, every single cell in the human body, the DNA in that cell, remains coded for your biological birth. .... Parents are now encouraged to subject the child to procedures that I think are a form of child abuse. The hormones to slow puberty, actual surgical manipulations, etcetera. I think that this is wrong.”

    Charlie Sheen spent $1.6 million on prostitutes in one year, and began to prefer “pre-op transsexuals”.

    Gloria Steinem on Channel 4:

    Leandra Leal, Brazilian actress, discovered trans woman Marquesa who had died in hospital, and paid the funeral expenses.

    Stephen Beatty, 23: 'I identify as a trans man, a faggy queen, a homosexual, a queer, a nerd fighter, a writer, an artist and a guy who needs a haircut'.

    Miley Cyrus,   Ruby Rose,  Sting's daughter Eliot declared that they are 'gender fluid'. Comment

    Susan Sarandon's son, Miles, praised by his mother for wearing dresses and choosing to identity outside typical gender norms.


    Anry Fuentes, cheerleader, supported by school, kicked out by mother.

    Aydian Dowling, bodybuilder, made the finals of the competition to appear on cover Men's Health magazine.

    Brenda Perez, cis female Spanish professional footballer, with help of make-up artist, and with knowledge of manager and referee, played in a male game and scored goals.

    Planet Fitness Gym, Michigan: Carlotta Sklodowska was complained about by a cis woman for using the locker room. The Gym cancelled the latter's membership.

    City Gym, Kansas City, Missouri, welcomed Jake during his transition.

    Chris Moser on the Team USA sprint duathlon men's team for the 2016 Olympics.

    Delia Johnston, 59, hated sport before transition, but was an ambassador at 2012 Olympics and is now an avid netball and badminton player. Runs Trans in Sport which encourages trans persons to do sports.

    Dutee Chand, cis sprinter who was disbarred after winning a bronze in the 2013 Asian Championships, won a ruling from the Court of Arbitration in Sports that “the level of natural testosterone in an athlete's body is insufficient to bar some women from competing against females”.

    Fallon Fox, MMA fighter, interviewed.

    Cis female footballer Genoveva Anonma in Equatorial Guinea forced to strip naked as sex test after scoring winning goal.

    Janae Marie Kroc, 42, world-record power lifter delaying transition.

    Jessie-Rennee Moore, 44, bodybuilder, bricklayer, bankrupt after transition.

    Jay Pulitano, swimmer at Sarah Lawrence College, competed on the women's team for three seasons before joining the men's team in the 2014-15 school year.

    Ex-boxing promoter, Kelly Maloney, completed transition, published autobiography, spoke at UKIP convention

    Michelle Stokes, rugby player for Queensland, left wife and 3 children, now has girlfriend also  trans .

    Mikki Nicholson, 36, Carlisle, UK national Scrabble champion 2010, suffered frequent abuse, committed suicide.

    Natalie van Gogh, cyclist, 1º in Trofee Maarten Wynants, , (Helchteren (F)) , Houthalen/Helchteren (Limburg); and 1º in Stage 1 Lotto-Decca Tour, Lotto-Belisol Tour, , (Belgium Tour (F)).

    Patti Dawn Swansson, sports writer, interviewed.

    Rose/Rot-Duan, Muay Thai fighter

    Savannah Burton on Canada's national women's dodgeball team.

    Schuyler Bailar, 19, Harvard, swimmer, given choice of men's or women's team. Chose former.

    Sylvia Castanada wins Vittoria Eastern States Cup.

    Veronica Simms , Texas ex-college footballer, in transition.

    Wendy Martinez, hairdresser and Mexico's only professional trans wrestler, Miss Gaviota.

    10-year-old boy, South Wales, disqualified from a swimming gala after coming second in a race, after being outed as trans. The boy’s school team was also disqualified from a relay race.

    Two trans teams played football organised by the Bangladesh Hijra Sporting Club at the Adhar Chandra Model High School ground in Savar, outside Dhaka.

    The anti-homophobia football matches at University of Nottingham were cancelled after a trans man, Luke Hutchinson, was barred unless he provided blood tests at a cost to him of £70. Luke said that he felt that this was too onerous for an amateur tournament.

    Australian trans and intersex persons say that ostracised from playing sports.

    Zagria's 3-part series, Sports, Gender and Trans, was revised and expanded.

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