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10 January 2009

Bobby Noble (195? - ) academic.

Jean Noble came out as a working-class lesbian in 1978. She worked with rape crisis centres, founded a sex-worker advocacy group, organized Take back The Night marches, and Edmonton’s first Gay Pride Parade.

She did a BA and MA at the University of Alberta, and a PhD at York University, Toronto. He transitioned to male in 2002. After teaching at the University of Victoria, he returned to York, where he is now Associate Professor at in sexuality and gender studies, in the School of Women’s Studies.

He is an out trans man. He is also vice-President of the the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Studies Association.

In a spirit of incoherence he identifies as a boy, retains female signifiers on identification, used ‘Bobby’ rather than a grown-up version, dates lesbians and works against white supremacy and capitalism.

He is working on FTM porn, and is suing the government for insisting on only M or F on passports.

*Not the footballer.
  • Donna Troka, Kathleen Lebesco & Jean Noble. The Drag King Anthology. Harrington Park. 2003.
  • Jean Bobby Noble. Sons of the Movement: FtM’s Risking Incoherence in a Post-Queer Cultural Landscape. Toronto: Women’s Press, 2006.
  • Jean Bobby Noble. Masculinities without Men? Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. 2004.
  • Jacob Anderson-Minshall. “Boy Trouble”. San Francisco Bay Times. Feb 15, 2007.

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