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19 August 2017

Sorrawee "Jazz" Nattee (1989–) beauty contestant, monk

Nattee was urged by her parents to enter, and became the winner of the Miss Tiffany’s Universe 2009 contest in Pattaya, Thailand.

In 2013 it was announced that Sorrawee was to become a monk. He had breast implants removed and took the name Phra Maha Viriyo Bhikku.
‘‘It’s not that I’ve become a monk to run away from problems, but I’ve studied dhamma for two years and now know what it truly is.’’ 
He entered the Wat Liab temple in his home province of Songkhla. Sorrawee was quite open about his past as a beauty contestant, and the abbot of Wat Liab declared him to be 100% a man.

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