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15 October 2014

Toni F. (190? - ?)

An early German trans woman who is unrecorded except for her attempt in the late 1920’s to change a birth certificate from male to female. Toni's application was denied on the grounds she was biologically male although she wore female clothing, looked completely female and thought of herself as female.
  • A. Marcus & E Webers (eds). Zeitschrift fűr sexual Wissenschaft. XVI (1929-30): 45.  Cited in Vern L. Bullough & Bonnie Bullough. Cross Dressing, Sex, and Gender. University of Pennsylvania Press 1993: 275n7.

Bullough gives Toni’s name as “Toni Claus Hans F. Den Antrag”  which seems to be a conflation of her female name, her male name and the German word ‘Antrag’ which means 'application'. 

DE.Wikipedia does not feature any persons at all with the surname Den Antrag. 

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