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23 February 2010

Hélène Hazera (1952 - ) activist, actor, broadcaster, film-maker.

Hélène was active in the Front homosexuel d'action révolutionnaire (FHAR) and the Gazolines in the 1970s.

She acted in the film Les Intrigues de Sylvia Couski, 1975 with Marie-France Garcia, and in theatre in Paris, and has been photographed by Emil Cadoo and Martine Barrat.

She wrote a column on television for the journal, Libération, and then on French song. She broadcasts Saturday midnight to 1 am as Chanson Boum on France Culture. She is also passionate about Arab and Andalusian music. She directed a documentary on the films of Jean Painlevé.

She is an active member of Act-Up Paris on behalf of transgender persons, and has written for the gay magazine Têtu on Algerian trans prostitutes in France, and gay Iraqi refugees in England.

She is writing a book on the chanteuse Marianne Oswald.


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