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28 February 2009

Phil Starr (1932 – 2005) performer.

Arthur James Fuller started in amateur dramatics. He became a drag performer as Phil Starr in the early1960s, appearing with Terri Dennis (Barry Chat) at pubs such as The Black Cap in north London and The Union Tavern in Camberwell. He built up a reputation for his patter and ad-libs.

With his lover, Perry, he ran the Two Brewers pub at Clapham Common where they presented nightly cabaret. Lily Savage appeared there when she was starting out.

Phil was a regular performer in music hall and adult pantomime, especially at the Brick Lane Music Hall.
He and Perry retired to Brighton where he ran Starr’s Hotel and Bar, and performed in nightclubs. He often teamed with Maisie Trollette (David Raven).

He also worked in Thailand to raise money for a children’s orphanage after the tsunami. He continued with his rather old-fashioned act with long shaggy-dog stories until two days before he died.

*Not the martial arts teacher.

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